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Case Studies

A 63 years old female, Mrs. S.N (Pin No. 15229) visited our centre on 18th December 2010 for the complaints of Rheumatoid Arthritis and hair fall. She had these complaints since February 2006, which was being managed by pain killers and methotrexate. In June 2010, she faced a severe relapse in th.....Read more

39-years-old Mr. S. N. N. (PIN 21447) visited our clinic on 3rd August 2013. He was suffering from acidity twice a week for the past 10 years. He complained of burning sensation in his abdomen and sour eructation.

He also complained of a headache due to acidity. He tried various treatme.....Read more

A 10-year-old male patient, Mr. A.S. (PIN: 39548) came to Life Force with the complaints of Bronchitis on 19th February 2019. The patient was suffering from complaints of chronic bronchitis with a severe cough. He came to Life Force with the hope of recovery and to put an end to his chronic bronc.....Read more

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Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Anxiety Neurosis

Can you consume tea, coffee and garlic with homeopathic medicines?

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