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Case Studies

Mr. V. K. S., 50 years old businessman visited our clinic on 20th March 2012 from Calcutta. His Patient Identification Number is 18624. He complained of recurrent throbbing headache on both temporal regions since a few months. He would take pain killers daily. The pain would subside in 3 – .....Read more

She was suffering from irregular menses. Her sonography report showed bulky ovaries with multiple small follicles with signs of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease). Her case was studied in detail.

She was basically from Nagpur. She had completed her engineering. Her father was working for.....Read more

The patient Mr. S.B. (PIN: 40174) visited Paud Branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 17th May 2019 with the complaints of piles. He was suffering from the complaints of piles since 2012 (and his piles were surgically removed in 2012). But, from the last four months, his complaints had rea.....Read more

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Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

Life Force Homeopathy Clinic for Homeopathic Treatment Online & Offline

Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

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