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Case Studies

A 37-years-old male, Mr. P.E. (PIN 31149) visited Life Force on 30th January 2017 with a complaint of H Pylori. The patient was suffering from this complaint from the last 10 years. His disease had progressed significantly from the last two years. He was suffering from the stomach pain, nausea, v.....Read more

Mr. S.N.G. 55-year-old male patient (Patient identification number 9326) resident of Mumbai was suffering from Hailey Hailey disease since 1993. He visited Life Force on 30 Jan 2007 and started homeopathic treatment under guidance of Dr Rajesh Shah. He was suffering from blisters in the groin, ar.....Read more

Mr. A. D. T., 35 years old businessman (Patient Identification Number - 15985) visited our Life force clinic on 5th May, 2011. He had multiple small lesions of Lichen Planus on legs and hands. He had been suffering since past 2 years. They would itch and bleed. He had taken conventional medicines.....Read more

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Ulcerative Colitis

Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Ankylosing Spondylitis

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