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Case Studies

47 year old male patient, Mr. V. D. (Patient ref. no.: 2623), discovered accidentally that he had Hepatitis– C in 2005 during the blood test for life insurance company. At this time, his viral load was 23,000,000 IU/ML. Genotype of the virus was 1. Liver biopsy showed minimal damage to the .....Read more

33 years old Mrs. M.G., availed our online treatment from Canada on 25th March 2010. Her Patient Identification Number is 17508. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in late February 2010. She had been experiencing the symptoms since January. She started having numbness in the face followed .....Read more

59-years-old Mr. S. P. M (PIN 15859) visited our Borivali center on 18th April 2011. He was suffering from Asthma for the last 15 years. He used to get the attacks twice or thrice in a month. It would start as a cough with thick, white expectoration. The duration of each episode would be prolonge.....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Why should one opt for homeopathy?

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