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Case Studies

This is the case of Baby. M.A (Patient Ref. No. S-4325) a 9 years old girl who was brought to the clinic with the complaints of frequent colds and throat infections since childhood. She would get these attacks once every 2-3 months and the attacks would last about one week. The attacks would begi.....Read more

Mrs. R. G. (Patient Identification Number - 17354) visited our clinic on 28th October, 2011 for her complaints of Trigeminal Neuralgia. She had been suffering since 2 years. The pain had aggravated since 8 months. The frequency would be once in 2 – 3 days for few seconds and moderate intensity. S.....Read more

A 41-year-old lady patient, Mrs. H.J. (PIN: 40758) started treatment for her complaints of Tennis Elbow at Life Force Homeopathy and got complete relief from it. The patient started her treatment f.....Read more

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2nd May World asthma day...

First visit to homeopathic doctor? What questions to expect, explains Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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