Dr. Rajesh Shah Photo Gallery

Anchoring National Homeopathy Conference with Dr Praveen Kumar, at Calicut, September 2015.

At LIGA conference in Rio de Janerio, Brazil; talk on HIV and Hep C Clinical trials

In lighter moments with friends Paulo Bellavite and Martins Brand, in Rio, Brazil. (Photo courtesy LeoniBonamin)

Key note speaker at Homeopathy Conference in Abu Dhabi, May 2015.

At WHS’s speakers meeting at Life Force, with eminent speakers, April 2015.

A rare photo of speakers of WHS at Life Force, light moments!

Sharing thoughts with the Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, and Dr RK Manchanda, Director General, CCRH, during their visit at Life Force, April 2015.

Dr. Rajesh Shah

Dr. Rajesh Shah

Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD, conducting thought provoking seminar in Kochi, Kerala, August 2013.

Dr. Rajesh Shah receiving Bhartiya Chikitsak Ratna award

Question to Dr. Shah's Team
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Dr. Rajesh Shah Research Work

Case Studies

68-years-old Mrs. J. M. (PIN 21858) was already taking treatment for multiple complaints, such as asthma, hair fall, lumbar spondylitis, sleeplessness, and headache.

She developed an acute complaint of an abscess on her upper back. She reported this on 3rd February 2014. There was a lar.....Read more

A 10-years-old adolescent boy, Master SD (PIN 15905) visited Life Force’s Chembur branch on 23rd April 2011.

He was a premature kid, one of the twin babies, who was diagnosed with dyslexia and memory weakness. He had difficulty in comprehending normally, and he lacked communicatio.....Read more

Mr. V.T. aged 32 years (Patient Identification Number 17682) reported to the clinic with the complaint of Vocal Cord Nodule on 7 December 2011 He was facing difficulty in speaking and he had throat pain. He was having hoarsenss of voice and his voice pitch had reduced and he couldn`t speak loudly.....Read more

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