Homeopathic Treatment for Optic Nerve Damage (Optic Neuritis) and Its Medicine
Optic neuritis is inflammation or swelling of the optic nerve which is the nerve supplying the eye from the brain that may cause complete or partial blindness. It destroys the outer lining or sheath of the nerve.
- Multiple Sclerosis, almost 50% of the patients with multiple sclerosis develop this disease
- Herpes Zoster virus
- Autoimmune disorders like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
- Chloremphenicol, an antibiotic used to treat typhoid
- Inflammation of blood vessels supplying the nerve
- Ethambutol, an anti-tubercular drug
01 Sudden blurred vision
02 Loss of colored vision
03 Pain in the eye
It affects young individuals predominantly in the age group of 30-35 years and females are more commonly affected than men. It is a self-limiting disease and resolves on its own within 2-3 weeks unless the person is suffering from some auto-immune disorder like multiple sclerosis.
Optic nerve damage treatment in homoepathy may help in delaying the progression of the disease. Homeopathy has good scope in cases with early diagnosis and can prevent blindness. Homeopathy treatment for optic nerve damage can help in preventing complications.
Here is a description of a few Homeopathic remedies that can be used in cases of Optic neuritis:
- Gelsemium: Gelsemium neuropathy treatment in homeopathy is useful in cases of sudden vision blurring, especially after going through stress or anxiety. The abrupt blurring presents without any warning signs and is associated with a sense of heaviness in the eyelids. There is a pain in the eye with movements and the pain is described as throbbing or dull with a general feeling of weakness. There is a dimness of vision especially in low light conditions. The patient reports that everything appears dim or has a veil over the eyes. The patients complain of double vision, which suddenly appears combined with dizziness and unsteadiness. They exhibit extreme light sensitivity become uncomfortable in bright lights and even it is painful. It is well indicated in cases of optic neuritis for patients who feel mentally and physically exhausted.
- Phosphorous: Phosphorous is well suited when patients experience marked sensitivity to bright light, making it difficult to open their eyes completely. The sensitivity is accompanied by a sensation of burning in the eyes. The vision loss is progressive over time, particularly when patients notice a decline in both clarity and sharpness of sight, sometimes leading to near-complete blindness. There is altered color perception, colour appears faded, dull, or altered, which is described as seeing a "yellowish" or "greyish" tint over everything. They do see flashes of light or glowing spots in the field of vision, associated with headache and feeling of eye strain. It is suitable in cases wherein patients complain of burning pain or fiery sensation in the eyes, which is worse with the movement of the eyes and exposure to light.
- Ruta Graveolens: Ruta optic neuropathy treatment in homeopathy is suitable when optic neuritis is connected with prolonged eye strain from working on computers, reading, or any activity that requires extreme focus. The eye strain causes blurring of vision and discomfort in the eyes. They do feel the sensation of pressure in the eyes or weight behind their eyes as if the eyes are being pushed from within. There is persistent, dull aching pain around the eyes in the orbits. They experience double vision after eye strain or overuse of eyes. The complaints of optic neuritis are worse after mental and physical exertion. There is a burning sensation in the eyes with redness and a feeling of dryness in the eyes.
- Kali Phosphoricum: This remedy is indicated when optic neuritis symptoms associated with mental exhaustion, the individual feels drained and suffers from blurred vision after prolonged periods of concentration and stress. There is dull, aching pain behind the eyes due to stress and overwork. The pain is worse with intense mental activity. The vision becomes dim or blurred during periods of heightened anxiety. They experience flickering or flashes of light in the field of vision. The eye complaints are associated with pain in the head and the headache worsens with visual disturbances.
- Natrum muriaticum: Natrum Muriaticum is especially beneficial when eye complaints develop post-deep emotional stress such as disappointment, grief. They do experience dim and blurred vision. They are extremely sensitive to bright lights causing discomfort and worsening visual disturbances. There is a sensation of dryness in the eyes. The eyes feel gritty and blinking won't provide relief. There is a partial loss of vision. Throughout the day the vision is clear and worsens with evening.
Related condition:
Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Trachoma, Migraine
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)