What should Conventional Medicine (allopathy) doctors know about Homeopathy? 

1.     This communication is made towards creating awareness about homeopathy among conventional medical doctors (allopaths), in turn, benefit their patients. 

2.     As per the WHO, homeopathy is the second most used system of medicine after conventional medicine (allopathy). And, homeopathy is WHO approved. 

3.     Homeopathy was introduced by a German scientist Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD. He also coined the word ‘Allopathy’ to differentiate his new system from the old. The term Allopathy is used interchangeably with modern medicine or conventional medicine in this document. 

4.     Homeopathy is a major health science practiced by the conventional doctors (allopaths) in France, Germany, UK, USA, Australia, Holland, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Greece, India, and other countries.                            

5.     Homeopathy and conventional medicine are simply two different approaches to treat patients. 

6.     Homeopathy and allopathy are not contrary, rivals, or competitive with each other. They must complement each other. 

7.     Both systems are scientific in nature. No science can be contrary or inimical to any other science, and the same implies to both of these medical systems. 

8.     As every physician’s only mission is to restore the sick to good health, it is highly recommended that the doctors of both the systems are familiar and respectful to both the systems. 

9.     Homeopathy is the youngest medical system, allopathy is about a few hundred years old, and Ayurveda is over 4000 years old. 

10.   There are certain diseases, such as critical and emergency situations, severe infections, many acute cases, etc., are treated faster or better by conventional medicine than other systems. For instance, myocardial infarction, cardio-respiratory failure, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, cerebral malaria, bacterial meningitis, typhoid, diabetes, cancers, epilepsy, some hormonal and metabolic disease, anaphylaxis, severe infections and inflammatory conditions, certain collagen diseases, etc. are more effectively treated with allopathy.

11.   Similarly, chronic and recurring diseases are better treated by homeopathy. For instance, allergies (asthma, colds), autoimmune diseases (lichen planus, psoriasis, RA), certain chronic, recurring and resistant infections (malaria, non-healing ulcers), psychosomatic diseases (migraine, IBS), psychological diseases (anxiety disorder, depression), neurological diseases (autism, ADHD, neuralgias), viral warts, etc. are treated well with homeopathy. 

12.   All of us know that some diseases are very resistant so much so that they may need an Integration of all the systems of medicine for cure. 

13. The latest and the smartest approach in healthcare is that of Integration and Pluralism. The use of multiple therapies for the benefits of the patients is highly beneficial for effective recovery.

14. The diseases where homeopathy and allopathy may need to be integrated into some cases are as follows:

Anxiety disorder, bipolar disease, cancer, depression, ED, fungal infections, GERD, HIV, hypertension, ILD, juvenile RA, lupus (SLE), multiple sclerosis, nephrotic syndrome, otitis media, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, SARS, trigeminal neuralgia, ulcerative colitis, varicose ulcers, Writer’s cramps, XDR tuberculosis, yeast infection, zoster herpes

15.  Homeopathic medicines do not contain cortisone or steroids in any form. 

16. Even as a conventional medical practitioner, it is your privilege and duty to recommend homeopathic treatment to your patients if called for. 

17. For every doctor, it is important to have an understanding of the Scope of Homeopathy, so that no patients are deprived of the benefits of homeopathy. 

18. Evolved patients and educated community will expect every physician to know the basics of all medical sciences so that due guidance is made available to all. 

19. Homeopathy works. Yes, now it is well-proved that by multiple scientific studies that homeopathy works. 

20. Scientists, such as molecular biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, pharmacologists, physicians, surgeons, and others, have proved the efficacy of homeopathy. 

21. Research using the following models have demonstrated the efficacy of homeopathy: 

  • Preclinical 
  • In-vitro 
  • Animal models
  • Plant models
  • Clinical trials 
  • RCTs

22. Please explore Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, ResearchGate, and other popular authentic websites for peer-reviewed homeopathic research publications. 

23. Conventional scientists at esteemed government and private institutions, which are mentioned below, have conducted homeopathic research: 

  • IIT-Bombay 
  • Haffkein Institute 
  • BARC
  • ICT (UDCT)
  • ICMR
  • CDRI 
  • Mumbai University and many more

24. Homeopathy has progressed from being called Energy Medicine to Nano-pharmacology. Thanks to major research by scientists at IIT-B. 

25. If the homeopathic benefit is not recommended by any physician to his/her patients who could potentially be helped by homeopathy, it should be considered an omission and vice versa. 

26. Homeopathy is a growing science with its own strengths and limitations, just like any other system of medicine. It is not a panacea. 

27. As the homeopathic doctors cannot be excused for missing out suggesting (referring) the patient requiring critical care to an allopath, how can an allopath be excused for not recommending homeopathy for certain chronic diseases?

28. The homeopathic system of medicine is based on the fundamental principle of The Law of Similars. Simply put, it’s a principle of Like cures Like. It's comparable to vaccination. 

29. Homeopathy and vaccination were born in the same year in 1796. Homeopathy is much wider in its application. 

30. Homeopathic medicines are prepared by a distinct and unique process called Potentization, where the drug substance undergoes a series of dilution and agitation rendering the drug substance into Nanotherapeutic particles. 

31. The Homeopathic Nanotherapeutic particles have demonstrated effects with regards to preclinical and clinical models. 

32. The homeopathic medicines are mainly sourced from plants, chemicals, minerals, animals, biological materials, microorganisms, and imponderables. 

33. The homeopathic medicines do not adversely interact with conventional medicines. They can be taken together safely without any concerns. 


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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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A middle-aged homemaker lady, Mrs. A.D.S. (PIN: 38863) accompanied by her husband visited Life Force Homeopathy for the treatment for her Psoriasis, which she was suffering for more than a year now. Her father suffered from hypertension which could be the genetic link to her case. Psori.....Read more

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