Doctors are also humans and they too fall sick! It is often (mis) understood that the conventional (so-called allopathic) doctors do not use homeopathy. Well, it is not correct. The conventionally trained doctors may also suffer from chronic diseases, which are often not treated by conventional medicine. When their diseases are not treated effectively with modern medicine, just like laypeople, they often turn to homeopathy.

At Life Force, we come across two kinds of conventional doctors who approach Dr Shah for homeopathic treatment. 1. Those who have are familiar with the efficacy of homeopathy. 2. Those who are skeptical about homeopathy, but want to try it out. Nowadays, conventional doctors are increasingly getting convinced about the benefits of homeopathy.

We have observed that the conventional doctors are ill-informed about homeopathy or they may have some prejudice. However, once they or their family members suffer from some chronic disease, which remains untreated with conventional medicine, they start exploring homeopathy. And, many of them get convinced about the benefits of personal experience.

Doctors from all specialties including physicians, surgeons, gynecologists, pediatricians, dentists, oncologists, orthopedics, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, etc. from across India and from many other countries often visit Life Force for homeopathic treatment.

There is nothing exciting about various doctors opting for homeopathy. This looks like news simply because many of them have ignorance about homeopathy to start with, and they (most of them) finally convert themselves as friends and supporters of homeopathy.

We have treated all types of Conventional doctors

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Mr. M. W. T. visited Life Force Borivali center on 18th December 2013. He was working as a team leader in a back office of a multinational company. He was suggested about Dr. Shah by his manager. He was suffering from Migraine since four years. It was only right sided. Initially he would get it on.....Read more

A 24-year-old IT professional, Mr. A. P. K. (PIN: 18628) visited our center on 20th March 2012 for his complaints of Polymorphous Light Eruption. He was suffering from this skin complaint since the last year. He had developed these lesions on his forearms and legs. He would experience a severe it.....Read more

Mr. P.K.N. (PIN: 29699) came to Life Force Homoeopathy for the treatment of Lichen Planus, from which he was suffering right since the last 15 years & was fed up with all kinds of treatments he had followed. He had typical round, irregular, thickened, flat-topped, dark skin lesions, which wer.....Read more

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