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Case Studies

A 66-years-old elderly male, Mr. V. B. (PIN 10370) reported to our clinic with bleeding piles which he was suffering from the last 15 years. He used to pass frank blood every day after the stools. He also complained of soreness and irritation after passing the stools. His stools were satisfactory.....Read more

Parents of 6-years-old Master D (PIN 28025) from Karnataka approached Life Force Homeopathy in February 2016 for the treatment of vitiligo. 

His mother noticed a hypopigmented spot near his left upper corner of the eye in 2015 when he was 3 years old. Gradually, the hypopigmented s.....Read more

A 11 year old Ms V. P. D. (Patient identification number - 20517) visited Life Force center on 14th January 2013 along with her mother. She complained of corns on her right sole which had developed recently since past 10 days. Corns were painful when touched. There were small 2-3 corns closely place.....Read more
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Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

Myths and Facts about homeopathy

Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

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