Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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      Case Studies

      Mrs. N.X (Patient Identification Number 7882) was suffering from Lichen Planus (LP) for 4-5 months. She had active lesions of LP almost all over the body. Itching was severe on the affected area. Itching would get severe after bath and in the evening. She had used Betnovate (steroid) ointment for.....Read more

      4 years aged S.S.R. (Patient Identification Number - 19719) visited Life Force center on 20th August, 2012 with her parents. She was suffering from frequent cold since 10 months. She would have one episode of colds every month, lasting for 4 – 5 days. It had been continuous since last 4 months. She .....Read more

      Dr. A.M.V (Patient Identification Number 14582) visited the clinic for the treatment of Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C was detected in April 2010. His viral load and genotype was not done.

      He was also suffering from depression with lots of Other More Case Studies


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      Results may vary from person to person

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      Results may vary from person to person

      Anxiety Neurosis

      Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

      Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

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