Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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      Case Studies

      A 3-years-old boy, Master H.R.S. (PIN: 34345) visited Borivali branch of Life Force on 13th November 2017.
      He was suffering from the complaints of Nephrotic Syndrome. His had started experiencing the episodes of Nephrotic Syndrome from March 2015. He would suffer a relapse after every 15-2.....Read more

      Here is a case of Mr. A. H. U, twenty six years old, (Patient Identification Number: 22713), who reported to LifeForce on 2nd May 2014 with a complaint of tiny eruptions on face since past six months. It was diagnosed as “molluscum contagiosum” after a thorough examination at LifeForce clinic. He su.....Read more

      A six-years-old young girl, Ms. Z.F. (PIN: 34349) along with her parents approached Life Force for treating her alopecia areata on 13th November 2017. She was suffering from alopecia areata for 8 months. Her alopecia areata patches were present on the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids. She was severel.....Read more

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