Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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      Case Studies

      A 26-year-old male patient, Mr. A.I.K. (PIN: 34477) visited the Life Force Homeopathy clinic on 27th November 2017 for getting treated for his complaints of Urticaria.

      The patient had been complaining of urticaria for 11 years. He was experiencing reddish spots .....Read more

      A 42-years-old gentleman, Mr. B. B. K. (PIN: 25638) visited Life Force on 9th May 2015. He was detected as Hepatitis B positive in 2010 when he went for blood donation. He suffered from weakness along with all joints pain and frequent colds. He was experiencing backache on and off. On 21st May 20.....Read more

      A 61-years-old male patient from Rajasthan, Mr. G.K.K. (PIN 32412) started his treatment at Life Force Homeopathy on 20th June 2017 for his complaint of psoriasis.

      He was suffering from psoriasis for 7 to 8 years. His whole body was affected which included his scalp, ears, face, back, u.....Read more

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      Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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