Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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        Case Studies

        A 25-years-old male patient, Mr. P. Z. (PIN 28600) from Mumbai was under Life Force treatment from 1st March 2016, but in 13th July 2016, his thyroid reports were abnormal so he started treatment for underactive thyroid in Mulund branch. From the past four years, he was suffering from excessive h.....Read more

        A 48-years-old lady, Mrs. P.Y.S. (PIN 31466) visited Life Force on 1st March 2017 with the complaints of urticaria and hair fall. The patient was suffering from urticaria since one year. Her disease had progressed in the last two weeks. At the time of consultation, her face and scalp were af.....Read more

        A 46-years-old female patient (PIN 18964) from a distance state of Meghalaya (northeast of India) presented on 26th April 2012 to the Life Force center. She was a housewife. She came with the complaint of alopecia areata, which she was suffering since a year. She had 7 big patches and 2-3 sm.....Read more

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        Results may vary from person to person

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        Results may vary from person to person

        Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

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