Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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      Case Studies

      Seven-year-old female child, Ms K.P.S (Patient Identification Number: 23413) visited Life Force homeopathy on 25th August 2014 for her complaints of recurrent tonsillitis and frequent colds.

      Her complaints started in 2013 with recurrent episodes of pain in throat while swallowing f.....Read more

      33-years-old Mrs. P. S. S. (PIN 27711) consulted at Life Force Homeopathy Chembur branch on 20th January for her complaint of on and off skin rash which was accompanied by intense itching and redness for 1.5 years. Her rashes used to remain on her body for a few minutes and then fade away. The af.....Read more

      A 52-year-old lady from the USA, Mrs. E. F. (PIN: 25818) was desperately searching for the right medicines for her Trigeminal Neuralgia. In her online search, she found Dr. Shah's website and communicated with a team of online doctors at Life Force and opted for the online treatment on 26th J.....Read more

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      What to Apply on Skin for Psoriasis, Eczema & Lichen Planus

      Role of Homeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

      Listen to Dr. Rajesh Shah’s insightful thoughts on vitiligo, a serious skin condition.

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