A father of a doctor suffering from long standing Chronic obstructive lung disease got completely cured at Life Force

Mr. B.S (Patient Identification Number: 24386), a sixty five years old man reported to Life Force on 20th April 2010 with complaints of COPD (Chronic obstructive lung disease) since ten years. He complained of breathlessness on ascending stairs. He had a mild degree of COPD which first started with severe cold during monsoons which lasted for twenty days. He had severe cough and breathlessness without any fever. 

The X Ray reports dated 15th April 2010 revealed old healed kochs, emphysematous changes, apical pleural capping noted. Fibrotic scars seen in both upper zones. Hyperinflated lung fields are seen bilaterally with blunting of bilateral chostophrenic angles are noted suggestive of pleural thickning.  The frequency of the breathlessness episodes was now very mild. The episode occured only once in a year lasting for fifteeen days. 

He also complained of increased frequency of urination espcecially at night. He would strain to pass urine accompanied with slight pain and burning. The Sonography report revealed indication of moderate prostatomegaly with significant post void residue (60 ml).

Personal details:

He was a vegetarian by diet and had a good appetite. His thirst was adequate. On enquiry he did not mention of having any addictions in the current or past. He had a profuse sweat on his forehead and chest which was offensive and stained yellow. He was sensitive to cold weather. 

Past History

He had a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis for which he had taken conventional treatment for nine months.

Constitution and family set up:

Mr. B.S was lean and tall person having a wheatish complexion. He was farmer and would still work in the fields actively. He lived with his wife and two sons, out of which one son was a general physician. His wife was a homemaker. 

He narrated his nature as a mild and reserved person. He was quite a responsible person at his work and family inspite of his age. There was no significant stress and was contented with whatever he had in his life.


After assessing his case, based on the totality Dr. Shah prescribed Thuja 30, Ammonium carbonicum 200 and two of his research based medicines. The patient was informed of diet and exercise regimen for his complaints which would also improvise his general health. Dr. Shah explained him about the chronicity and nature of the disease. He was informed about the long term treatment which would be required as the pace and pathology of the disease demands it. Moreover, conventional treatment may be required in between for the acute episodes.  Investigations for complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were also advised to be brought in the follow up. 

Follow ups

The patient first reported his follow up dated 4th June 2010. He mentioned about twenty five percent recovery in overall complaints. The patient also informed that he had a mild episode of cold which lasted only for two to three days. The investigation for erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 33 dated 4th June 2010. It was reduced after the report was compared with the previous ESR report dated 15th April 2010 which was 40. The patient was prescribed the same medicines which had shown a fair improvement in the first follow up itself. 

The patient reported to Life Force on 15th November 2010 for his second follow up. The patient mentioned there was a fifty percent improvement in breathlessness and cough. However he had an episode of cough in between due to change of weather which was mild in intensity. Dr. Shah prescribed him Arsenic album 30, Ammonium carbonicum 200 and Thuja 200 for further recovery.

The patient visited Life Force on 25th August 2011 (After a gap of nine months). The patient had a sever cough and breathlessness episode due to which he started with steroid inhalers and other conventional medicines. He was continuing with foracort inhaler two times in a day, levocetrizine and montelukast once in a day. He reported that he had developed cough since fifteen days with mild chest pain, breathlessness and chilliness in the morning. He developed this episode on account of continuous stress and anxiety. He had sleeplesness due to financial issues which made him keep brood over. On examining him, the chest was mildly congested but no other sigificant pathology was noted. Dr. Shah re evaluated the case and prescribed him medicines. Dr..Shah also informed the patient to continue the conventional medicines.

The patient reported to us on 4th February 2012 to give feedback for COPD. The patient happily mentioned that there were no significant complaints after the last dose of medicines. On examination the chest was clear. Breathless reduced but persisted. Energy levels were good and he also went to his native place where he did farming. Dr. Shah advised to slowly taper the steroid inhalers. The patient was also well informed about the rebound effect after stoppage of steroids. Further set of medicines were prescribed by Dr. Shah for a consistent recovery. 

The patient reported to us on 3rd April 2012 with acute episode of severe cough. He also had breathlessness which was aggravated at night athough there was no fever. As informed by Dr. Shah the inhalers were stopped by the patient after which he had this episode. He was prescribed medicines and was advised steam inhalation and rest. 

Patient called up Life Force to inform about the recovery he had after taking the medicines. He was advised to continue the medicines regularly.
Meanwhile the patient was taking medicines and continuos follow up was kept in regards to his disease.

A follow up on phone was given by the patient’s son dated 14th November 2014. His son who was a doctor informed about his recovery. He informed how he did not need to take conventional treatment and was now enjoying good health. There were no acute episodes of COPD and apparently the associated complaint of frequent urination also improved. As the patient could not visit the clinic he ordered medicines through courier.

The patient visited Life Force with his son on 26th August 2015. Son was happy to report about the consistent relief in his father’s complaints. Presently the patient was asymptomatic. However, few months back he had a mild cough and fever due to weather change which did not require any course of antibiotics. Now the patient is reluctant on taking antibiotics or any other conventional medicines. The medical reports shown by the patient were normal. The erythrocyte dsedimentation rate which is a marker for inflammation was normal. Dr. Shah examined the patient and prescribed him further set of medicines. The patient was asymptomatic for more than six months is evident enough to quote that the patient had build up a good immune system with the help of homeopathic medicines. 

The patient is still continuing medicines with Life Force in order to avoid dependency on conventional treatment and maintain his general health and well being. 


This case depicts the patience and dedication of the patient by which he took homeopathic medicines. He did not panic when he had acute episodes of this chronic disease. The patient was educated about the chronic disease and was well informed about the facts of the treatment. Homoeopathy along with the patient’s faith and consistency in taking medicines has helped him get rid of the disturbing recurrent cough episodes and also improved his quality of life. The patient now can work in his farm and enjoy his daily routine. This case sets an example about the difficult diseases and challenges which homeopaths face. Homeopathy is strongly indicated for chronic obstructive lung disease.

- Dr. Kanchan Gohil, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, Life Force team

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