99% recovery in a Steroid masked rapidly spreading psoriasis with Homeopathy

Forty-one-year-old male, Mr. D.B.W. (Patient Identification No: 21033) visited Life Force on 30th April 2013, for the treatment of Psoriasis.

He presented with rapidly and extensively spreading psoriasis since 3 months. He had developed multiple sporadic psoriasis lesions all over his body including scalp. He complained of dryness, itching, scaling and watery discharge after itching over the lesions. He was also suffering from hair fall due to involvement of psoriasis lesions on scalp. His sister also had a history of psoriasis. He was on steroidal local application since 3 months but that was not giving him any relief; instead his psoriasis was spreading. He then, found about Life Force from the internet and started homeopathic treatment with us.

He was a non-vegetarian by diet. He had a peculiar liking for chicken, meat, eggs, spicy and sweet food. He did not like to eat vegetables. He had a habit of smoking 2-3 cigarettes/day and consumed alcohol once weekly. His thirst, perspiration, bowel movements and urination were normal. He was not particularly sensitive to hot or cold weather. His sleep was disturbed due to his complaints.

He was working in the production department of a garment industry. His wife was a home-maker. He had two sons; aged 7 years and aged 3 years. He was staying in joint family along with his parents and his younger brother's family.

He was worrisome by nature. He was stressed due to his family matters and his job insecurity. His wife and mother had routine conflicts. To avoid that he had booked an apartment where he could stay separately with his family but all his savings were spent into buying that house. He was looking for another job; but due to his disease he was depressed to appear for an interview. He did not share his problems, as did not wanted to trouble others with his problems. He always had fear of financial loss. He was religious and had complete faith in God. He was conscious about his image; he got hurt if someone asked him about his disease. His confidence was low because of his disease.

He did not have any major illness in the past. His father was diabetic and suffered from diseases of heart. His sister was having thyroid disorder and psoriasis.

Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed him research based molecule for psoriasis. He was informed to taper steroidal creams gradually and was made aware of the withdrawal effects of steroids that may lead to slight increase in his complaints  some days 

He visited on 19th June 2013 and reported of considerable improvement in psoriasis. His itching had reduced by 50% and scaling had reduced by 30%. He had got new lesions on body and scalp. He was explained that the disease had resurfaced due to the abrupt use of steroids. He had moved to his new house now and was looking for a new job but was still sad and depressed due to his disease. Next batch of medicines were given for 6 weeks.

He then visited on 5th December 2013. He reported that he was 70% better and so had discontinued the treatment. But since 1 month, his complaints had increased. He presented with spread to new areas with itching, scaling, watery discharge and burning over the lesions. He had started applying steroidal creams since 2 months but that did not give him relief and his condition was worsening. Medicines were prescribed as per his feedback.

He reported of spread and increase in his psoriasis on 17th January 2014. He had stopped steroidal creams abruptly. The lesions were red, itching and scaling. His lesions on legs were better. He was stressed because of the disease and work pressure. He was given medicines for 1 month. He was also advised to take treatment regularly and completely stop the use of steroidal creams as they intend to increase the symptoms and hamper the recovery.

On 21st February 2014 he reported of 30-40% improvement. Redness over the lesions was less as compared to previous photos. There were no new lesions reported. Scaling had reduced considerably. Itching was present but was bearable. He was happy with the improvement and looked positive. 

On 15th April 2014, he visited Life Force. His extensive psoriasis was 95% better. There was no redness. He had mild lesions on legs and hands. His itching and scaling was completely better. He was happy and had gained his confidence back.

On 29th May 2014, he called up our clinic and was glad to report that he was 99% better. He did not have any complaints. He is still under our treatment for complete recovery.

In psoriasis masked with use of steroidal creams, some fluctuations in the disease process is anticipated. However, with an effective line of treatment under an experienced professional, homeopathic medicines brings about excellent results.

(Case study prepared by Dr. K.M)

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