Case-1: A young girl attains ninety percent improvement in rapidly spreading lichen planus pigmentosa at Life Force!
Seventeen years old, Ms. A. S. G. (Patient Identification Number: 20252) visited Life Force clinic on 15th November 2012 for her complaints of lichen planus pigmentosa.
Her complaints started in 2011 with hyperpigmentation over her face, more prominent around mouth, eyes, cheeks and forehead. She also had hyperpigmented patches around the neck, hands, forearms, underarms, on her legs, and over her thighs. Diagnosis was confirmed as lichen planus pigmentosa
by biopsy dated 6th April 2012. She was under allopathic treatment for around six months. She was on oral and topical steroids for the same. She had stopped conventional medicines one month before visiting us.
She also had frequent colds. She would experience continuous sneezing as she was allergic to dust. She would experience easy tiredness on slight physical exertion.
She would prefer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. She had an average appetite and adequate thirst. She would perspire moderately especially on her palms and soles. She was sensitive to cold temperature.
Her father was diabetic and suffered from under active thyroid. He also had psoriasis.
She was studying in ninth grade. Her father was retired person and mother was housewife. She had two elder sisters both were employed and working.
She was highly irritable in nature. She was short tempered and would get easily excited. She would frequently fall in to fights. Both her mother and father were short tempered. Often her mother would beat her due to this behavior.
With all these case details, her case was analyzed by Dr. Shah and he prescribed his research based medicines along with constitutional medicine.
With six months of treatment on 21st June 2013, she reported slight improvement in hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation over her face was the same as before. Hyperpigmented patches around the neck were slightly better. There was not much improvement in hyperpigmentation over hands, forearms and legs. Her father informed that she had become more irritable. She reported improvement in her complaints of frequent colds. After reviewing her feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed her further medicines.
On 10th February 2014 after further six months of treatment, she reported fifty percent improvement in hyperpigmentation over her forehead. She also noticed improvement in patches over her cheeks though hyperpigmentation around her eyes was increased. Hyperpigmentation over her neck didn't show any improvement this time. Patches over her hands and legs were the same as before. She reported hyperpigmentation of skin in the underarms and on thighs to be same as before. Dr. Shah upgraded the prescription further.
On 20th January 2015 she visited clinic for follow up. She reported sixty percent improvement in hyperpigmented patches over her face mostly around her mouth, over cheeks and her forehead. Though the hyperpigmentation around the eyes was the same. Hyperpigmentation over her neck also showed significant improvement. She reported significant improvement over her hands, forearm and legs. Parents could notice improvement in her irritability as well. She had become calmer than before. After reviewing her feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines.
With further six months of treatment on 10 July 2015 she reported eighty to ninety percent improvement in hyperpigmentation around mouth, cheeks, forehead and around eyes. There was significant improvement in patches around neck. Her hands and forearms were free from hyperpigmentation and had regained her normal skin tone. She reported that only five percent hyperpigmentation was present on her underarms. Patches over her legs had negligible hyperpigmentation.
Patient and her parents are very much satisfied and happy with result achieved. She is still continuing with the medicines to achieve complete relief in her lichen planus pigmentosa. Homeopathic medicines not only helped her in physical complaints but also helped her to overcome her irritability.
This case highlights the role of homeopathy in treating not only the physical but also the emotional imbalances. Homeopathy controls the pace and progress of the disease and brings peaceful recovery.