24 years old man got treated for Neurocysticercosis with conventional antiepileptics. The epileptic seizures subsided but gave rises to his migraine headaches.

Mr. N. K. a 24 years old male (Patient Ref. No: S5421) reported to us with complaints of severe headache since the last 4 ½ yrs. He would get severe throbbing kind of pain in both temples which was slightly relieved only by vomiting. MRI scan of the brain revealed mild ischemic changes. His headache occurred almost twice or thrice a day and lasted for about 2 to 3 hours usually or at times even longer. Analgesics were no longer helping him to control his painful attacks. The intensity and frequency of his pains had increased drastically in the past 1 to 2 years which invariably affected his performance in studies. He had suffered from Neurocysticercosis (a condition of formation of cysts in the brain) 4 to 5 years back for which he was treated with conventional antiepileptics. The epileptic seizures subsided with the treatment but gave rises to his migrainous headaches. Along with this he also suffered from recurrent tonsillitis and frequent colds during change of weather. He had an average to low appetite. Most of the times he used to be reluctant to eat because of fear of vomiting due to headaches. He had an aversion to eating rice and oily foods. He was a sentimental and affectionate person by nature. He was studying advertising and was involved in writing articles in newspapers regarding various sensitive social issues. He was very sympathetic by nature and would not bear seeing anybody in suffering or in pain. His migraine had severely affected his capacity to creative thinking which was very much required in his field. This, most of the times, made him feel sad and depressed. Also due to his severe pain he was unable to pursue the career that he always wanted to. Based on his above detailed case history a constitutional homoeopathic remedy Causticum 200 to be taken twice a day was prescribed to him for 2 weeks. When he reported to us after that period, the frequency of his episodes remained the same but with mild reduction in the intensity of the pain and vomiting. He was asked to continue with the same for another 4 weeks. This time he mentioned that his painful episodes occurred only once a day or on alternate days with 30 to 40% less intensity. He was very thankful to us and of course to homoeopathy because what could not be achieved with any other medication in the last 4 yrs had occurred in just a few months of homoeopathic treatment. He was asked to continue with the medications for another few months. In another 6 to 8 months his migraine was about 80 to 90% better. He no longer had any fear of eating. He is now able to lead a normal life and has currently achieved a desired position in his field which he felt before was almost next to impossible due to his health.
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56 years old female Ms. T.M.G. (Patient Identification Number - 19750) availed our online treatment from New York. She registered as a patient on 8th October 2011 for her complaints of oral Lichen Planus. She had been suffering from last 7 months and had taken conventional medicine which did not .....Read more

Mrs. S. K. S., 66 years old house wife (Patient Identification Number - 18698) visited our clinic on 27th March 2012 accompanied with her husband. She had lesions on lower legs which were spreading since 10 days. She had severe itching all over her body. She had swelling on the legs. The lesions .....Read more

Mr. S.N.G. 55-year-old male patient (Patient identification number 9326) resident of Mumbai was suffering from Hailey Hailey disease since 1993. He visited Life Force on 30 Jan 2007 and started homeopathic treatment under guidance of Dr Rajesh Shah. 

He was suffering from blisters in t.....Read more
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