“All my complaints were significantly relieved by Dr. Shah’s medicines.”

Forty years old, Mr. N. A. was happy with the improvement in her mother’s case which was being treated by Dr. Shah. His mother resided in Mumbai, near to our center. Mr. N. A. was working in Abu Dhabhi as a network manager in a health care company since sixteen years. He had read about Dr. Shah on internet and recommended his mother to start with the treatment. He personally visited our center on 20th August 2011 to start his treatment for back pain, frequent colds and constipation. His patient identification number is 19577. He was suffering from back pain since a year. He would get pain in lower back once or twice in a month for a day or two. He would have dull continuous pain radiating to upper back with stiffness. He did not undergo any blood tests or x rays for investigation. He related to the start of this pain by recalling an incident where he had to lift heavy weight. The pain would increase on sitting for long time and movement. The pain would be better by exercise and massage. He had taken pain relievers for few days, six months back. He would often apply ointments to reduce the pain for two to three days when severe. He also complained of frequent cold since five years. He would have running nose, throat irritation, sneezing and dry cough for once in one to two months and would remain for six to seven days. He would require taking antibiotics for every episode. He was diagnosed as diabetic five years back. His sugar levels were fluctuating on conventional medicines. He also had high cholesterol which was under control with conventional medicines. His appetite was average. He craved spicy and chicken. His water intake was normal. He was intolerant to warm weather. His bowels were satisfactory but occasionally be hard on intake of antibiotics. He stayed in nuclear family in Abu Dhabhi. He had three children. His wife was home maker. He had two sons: aged eight years and two years and a daughter aged five years. His parents and extended family of four sisters stayed in Mumbai. He had taken responsibility since a young age as he was the eldest of all siblings. He had seen his father struggling and faced financial difficulties. He always had anxiety about future. He was basically reserved and did not share much with anyone. He would strive to keep everybody happy. He would keep on thinking about small problems. He was perfectionist in his work. His mother was suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and hepatitis B. His sister was suffering from asthma and diabetes. All other family members were apparently healthy. Dr. Shah prescribed him Kali Carbonicum 200c along with few research based medicines for four months. He gave online feedback on 21st March 2012 with 10% improvement in his back pain. His seasonal sore throat and cough were also improved as he did not require antibiotics to relieve them. He personally visited on 9th December 2013 along with his mother to thank Dr. Shah for his and mother’s excellent treatment. His mother too was doing extremely well with the treatment. His back pain was almost 90% better with the treatment for a year. It had mildly increased since past three to four months due to work stress. His frequent cold and throat were completely cured. Uploaded on 10th March 2014 by Dr. M. N. P.
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Mr. S. A. K., a young manager in a finance company visited Borivali clinic on 23rd April 2011. His Patient Identification Number is 15901. He had been suffering from extensive Psoriasis since 4 years. The reddish patches were all over the body including scalp. There was itching and scaling. He wa.....Read more

A country side teacher (PIN No - 8954) visited our clinic on 30th September, 2006. He wanted to seek treatment for his wife. The case details were reported by husband.

Mrs. I. A. G. aged, 52 years complained of Psoriasis in palms and soles since a year. It was severe with painful cracks.....Read more

A 7 years old girl Miss A.A. (patient identification number 25293) resident of Rajasthan started treatment with Life Force for her juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis .

For tw.....Read more

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