Homeopathy helps a young talented girl to get rid of her chronic eczema and regain her confidence...
A 13 years old patient Ms. S.K. (Patient Identification Number: 15735) visited Life force Clinic for her complaints of Eczema on 2nd April 2011.
She was suffering with Eczema since 4 years, there were active lesions on the right cheek, right ankle, both palms and fingers and on both forearms and legs. There were eczematous eruptions with crust formation, dry scales, oozing of pus with bleeding. Previously, she was treated with conventional mode of treatment with minimal relief in her symptoms.
She was vegetarian, her appetite was normal.
She had special likings for chocolates. Her perspiration was offensive and mainly on the armpits, skin folds.
Her bowels, urine, periods were regular.
She was lean, thin, fair looking girl. She was studying in 8th std. She belonged to a well to do family. Her father was an engineer, mother was a housewife. She had an elder brother. According to her mother, she was a very well behaved, very proper in her work. Mother even said that, she is mature for her age. She was a voracious reader and a good writer. She had written many peoms and essays, and had even won a scholarship worth Rs. 50,000 in Times of India essay competition. She was very good at sports.
But due to eczema she had become vey irritable, cranky in nature. Due to eczema she had stopped playing sports. She was very sad that because of her eczema, her daily routine is getting disturbed. She was very particular in her work but eczema was just disturbing her daily life.
Her case was studied in detail by Dr. Rajesh Shah, considering her mental state and the long standing nature of her disease which was very active and complicated with steriodal treatment in past, she was prescribed Carcinosin 200c with Dr. Rajesh Shah's research based medicines for eczema.
The chronic nature of the disease was explained to the patient and was assured that it will be cured with homeopathy.
After 3 months, her eczema was slightly better. The eruptions on face and ears were 40% better and the one on hands and foot, palms and forearms were 15% better. The itching had reduced to 50% but still new spots were coming on hands, left leg, on shin and scalp. She was again prescribed Carcinosin 200c and Dr. Rajesh Shah's research based medicines for eczema.
After another 2 months, her eczema was around 65% better. She was prescribed the further medicines.
After 4 months of regular medicines, her eczema was around 80% better. There was significant improvement in her lesions. The pustular discharge and the pain has reduced about 70-80%. The crusts has also reduced . There were no any new eruptions and the old eruptions had reduced.
Her mother was very impressed with the improvement in her eczema with homeopathic medicines at Life force.
The amount of talent this young patient had, was somewhere blocked with her eczema, and at Life force she was able to get relieved with this pain and concentrate on her studies for her bright future.
She is regularly following for the further improvement in her eczema.
Uploaded on 26th Oct 2012 by Dr. KSW