A 14 yrs young girl with psoriasis patches on knees, elbows and finger webs got 80% treated in 4 months

She had mild psoriasis since last 2 years which presented as mild psoriatic patches on knees, elbows and finger webs. Since last 3 months eruptions were seen around the eyes which were gradually increasing. These complaints were aggravated in the winter.

She was not taking any medication. She used to apply anti fungal cream and some moisturizers which were prescribed by a local physician who seemed to had made a wrong diagnosis.

She was very fond of eating sour and salty food items. Thermally she was chilly. All her complaints aggravated in winter. She used to have localized perspiration over palms and soles.

She had a very strong family history of skin diseases with psoriasis in brother; eczema in maternal grandmother.

After going through the case thoroughly Dr Shah prescribed her our research based medicines along with the constitutional medicine.

At 2 months follow up Miss P.S reported that the psoriatic patches on her knees, elbows, finger webs and around eyes showed no improvement however there was no increase in patches as well; there were no new spots.

Dr Shah made some changes in the potency and the dose of the medicines.

At 4 months follow up Miss P.S reported that the patches over knees, elbows and finger webs were better by around 10%, however her major concern was that the patch around the eyes had increased. There was much redness and inflammation which got aggravated since 1 month as winter had set in. Her Parents were too much anxious that it increased despite starting the medicines. Proper guidance about natural winter aggravation and reassurance for recovery and proper information about the pathology of psoriasis helped them, remain calm.

Dr Shah reconsidered the totality and changed the medicine and doses accordingly.

At 6 months follow up Miss P.S reported to have miraculous improvement in the lesions around the eyes which were 60% better. Her lesions over other parts were better by 50%. Her parents were overwhelmed to see such a quick improvement.

At 8 months follow up Miss P.S reported to have 80% improvement in psoriasis. She was advised to continue the medicines for complete recovery.

uploaded on 18 August 2011 by Dr. S.B.

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A 7-year-old girl, Miss. A.L. (PIN: 27460) came to Life Force with the complaints of Vitiligo on 12th December 2015. She was suffering from vitiligo since 2013. She had Vitiligo spots on her back and right side of the chest as well. The approximate size of the spots on the bac.....Read more

A 39-year-old female patient, Mrs. S. Y. (PIN: 30271) visited Life Force and started treatment for her complaint of Eczema in 2016.

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