A case of palmo plantar psoriasis completely recovered within 8 months time

A 40 years old gentleman, Mr V. R. P ( Patient Identification Number 17364) visited Life Force center on 29 October 2011. He was suffering from palmo-plantar Psoriasis since the last one year.

Off late, since the last fifteen days, new lesions emerged on the elbow and neck. This frightened him a lot. Till then he had considered it as a local phenomenon, however when he saw the same scales and redness on his neck and elbow, he understood that this has some deeper dimension and just applying some superfecial cream was not going to help.

He sought homeopathic treatment under Dr Rajesh Shah.

He was working for the railways. His wife was a teacher.
He had two daughters, who were studying. His parents stayed in his native place.

There was no family history pf psoriasis.

He was a calm and cool person. His life was well settled. He was facing some day to day stress in office due to work volumes. He was sincere and his seniors were dependent upon him, this led to more job responsibilities and over work.

He was sensitive to cold weather.

Two years ago he had experienced some stress regarding managing his children, he had to put them under day care, as his house maid quit the job.

Dr Rajesh Shah examined him and prescribed Carcinocin 30c. Dr Shah advised him to gradually taper down the use of the steroid cream.

He would follow up every six weeks. In the first follow up itself on 10 december 2011, there was healing in the neck and elbow lesions. However there was some increase in the lesions on the palms and soles. This was attributed to the reduction in the application of steroid creams.

Till 21 January, there was no relief in the older lesions. On 21 January, Dr Shah reviewed his case details and added Silica 30c.

On 14 April, he reported good improvement in the lesions on the palms and soles. He had completely stopped using the steroid based cream two to three months ago.The cracks had healed, the itching was less, the scales were less. It does take a while for the tide to turn favourably. Till then there is no relief, once the tide turns there is speedy recovery.

On 10 July he had recovered by almost 90 %. There was almost complete healing in the psoriasis lesions on the palms and soles. There were no new lesions anywhere on the body, the neck and elbow lesions had healed and had become inactive, they did not show any disease activity thereafter, which was very reassuring for the patient.

He thanked Dr Shah for the wonderful recovery.

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