Complicated Case of vitiligo with depigmented patches along with hair fall and renal calculi

This is the case of Mr J.B (L-7437) aged 59 years, a garment businessman by profession, who reported to the clinic with depigmented patches all over the scalp, abdomen (around the umbilicus) and genitals with occasional itching since 3 years.

He also had marked baldness for 6 years, which increased with stress and tensions about his family and business.

Along with his skin complaints, he also suffered from urinary complaints wherein he used to complain about having to strain a lot to urinate, particularly at the end of the flow for 3-4 months. He also complained of sleeplessness, with disturbed sleeping patterns. Thus, he was left feeling drowsy and unrefreshed throughout the day. These complaints were worse by any tension that would occur in his daily business.

His family constituted of his wife (homemaker) and a daughter who was married. He was very anxious about his business and his health (in particular about his vitiligo and alopecia). He was ashamed of his disease and he lacked confidence in himself. He was very sensitive and would get easily offended. There was a marked weeping tendency to such an extent that he was weeping throughout the case taking. He was very irritable and short-tempered, which he expressed through shouting. He was very quarrelsome by nature. He was quite dominating and wanted the things to happen according to his wishes only. He was not having sound relations with his wife and his brothers. Overall, he was not satisfied with his life. He felt insecure about his loneliness and had a feeling that nobody was happy with him. He also had suicidal thoughts. He was scared of driving and feared large crowds. He preferred to be alone and had a constant loathing for life. He had marked forgetfulness about many things like names, places, and money related matters.

He had suffered from renal calculus about 3-4 years back and was operated for the same. He had hypercholesterolemia for 4 years. He also had spells of unconsciousness, which were diagnosed as TIA 2 years back. His parents and siblings were all hypertensive, at the same time his father and younger brother were diabetic. His elder brother had suffered from myocardial infarction. His uncle suffered from vitiligo.

Based on his above history, he was prescribed Carcinosin 200 and Baryta Carb 200 for his complaints. Initially, after about a month of treatment, his vitiligo on the scalp was better. Slight repigmentation had occurred. His hair fall had slightly decreased. He complained of intermittent urine flow and felt as though the bladder was not evacuated completely. There was no change in his complaints of sleeplessness. During the course of his treatment, his hair fall showed significant improvement and repigmentation was noticed on the scalp.

After the completion of about six months of treatment, there has been marked repigmentation of about 80% on his scalp, 10% around his umbilicus, and noticeable improvement in his urinary complaints, hair fall, and sleeplessness.

The remedy prescribed was patient-specific treating a combination of diseases like vitiligo, urinary complaints, renal calculi (kidney stones) and increased cholesterol. He is still advised to continue treatment in order to see repigmentation on other parts as well.

This is the best example to show that homeopathic medicines, when taken in the chronic stages of vitiligo, responded very well to individualized Homoeopathic treatment. The patient did not require steroids or external applications in the entire course of treatment.

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