His Urticaria would increase during stress period...further got treated with Homeopathy

A 44 years old patient Mr. A.N.M (Patient Identification Number 14534) visited Life Force on 10th July 2010 for the complaint of Urticaria. He was suffering from Urticaria from the last 3-4 years. He would get Urticaria on and off, but since the last one year, he was experiencing it daily. He would get severe, unbearable itching and burning all over the body. The complaints would get worse in cold weather, during emotional stress and strong smell. He was taking Tablet Allegra (antiallergic medicine) every day, with which it was not getting controlled.

He had an associated complaint of Frequent Colds. He would get episodes of sneezing and running nose once in a month and it would last for 10 days. This complaint of cold would increase in the rainy season, cold weather and after eating curds.

His appetite was normal with strong craving for sweets. Perspiration, bowel habits and micturation were normal. He was a chilly patient with marked aggravation from cold weather. Sleep was sound with no specific dreams.

Mr. A.N.M had a business of stock market. There was a lot of stress related to his work. He would not share his tensions with any family members. His complaint of Urticaria would increase during the time of stress. He had lot of anxiety about his children and about the future. He was a very anxious and affectionate person. He was short tempered, the anger would last for five minutes, and then he would cool down.

Considering all the details, Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed homeopathic medicine for him. In the initial two months of the treatment, intensity of the complaints was reduced by 20-30%. Frequency was reduced to every alternate day. He could reduce the dose of Tablet Allegra to every alternate day.

In next follow up after two months, the intensity and frequency of Urticaria were further reduced. He had taken Tablet Allegra once in 3-4 days in those two months. In the month of December his Urticaria was again aggravated because of the cold weather. But the intensity of the itching and burning was less.

In all his further follow ups, he showed improvement. He could stop use of Tablet Allegra. By March 2011, he was completely recovered from his Urticaria.

There might be some flare ups in chronic Urticaria even during homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the intensity of Urticaria and then gradually it can be completely cured.

(Uploaded on on 24th August 2011 by Dr. G.A.J)

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