He reported almost 95 % healing in all his lesions. There were no signs of inflammation in the oral mucosa or the tongue. The lesions which were red have become normal...
Mr. P. G., 24 years old (PIN NO - 12774) got registered online for the treatment for Oral Lichen Planus. He had this complaint since the past 2 years. The condition was severe and extensive with almost 50 % of the tongue and oral cavity being affected. There was burning pain while eating chili and spicy food. He was taking some conventional medicines including steroids for the last few months. There was no relief with those medicines.
There was no associated complaint.
In his personal history; he had strong liking for sweets and a dislike for meat. His thirst was average, his sweat was profuse. He was more tolerant to the cold weather. Physically he was short and flabby. There were no complaints with sleep, bowels and urine.
His family consisted of his parents, wife, brother and grandmother. He was running a rice mill.
In his family – his parents were diabetes patient. His brother had been diagnosed with under-active thyroid a few months ago.
He stated that anger was the most dominant emotion in him. He would express his anger by shouting loudly, or sometimes hitting the person. He would become angry if anybody did not obey him, as he felt that he was always right!
His case was analyzed in detail by Dr. Shah and prescribed some research based medicine along with a constitutional remedy.
With treatment of 4 months the Oral Lichen Planus was stable. It did not spread. There was mild improvement in the burning pain.
After reviewing his case details his prescription was eventually upgraded by Dr. Shah.
With the next 4 months of treatment his Lichen Planus was mildly better. The burning pain had reduced. There was no further spread.
With the next 4 months of medication he reported around 20% improvement. The lesions had started to show some signs of healing. The burning pain was persistent, but the intensity had reduced.
With further medication he reported 50% improvement. The lesions had started to heal. The burning pain was significantly less.
In the subsequent 4 months, there was further improvement in the Lichen Planus.
He reported almost 95 % healing in all his lesions. There were no signs of inflammation in the oral mucosa or the tongue. The lesions which were red have become normal. The ulceration had healed. He did not feel discomfort on eating spicy or chili food in moderation.
He has been advised to continue with the treatment to attain complete recovery of his Oral Lichen Planus.
(Uploaded on 5th Jan 2012 by Dr. M NP)