A young army Officer is treated of steroid dependant chronic urticaria and is overwhelmed with the amazing difference homeopathy has made in his life.

A 26 years young officer from the armed forces came to the clinic for treatment of urticaria. He was suffering from the urticaria since two years. He would pop in an antihistaminic tablet when the urticaria would get severe, but generally he would try to withstand the attack.

He was on steroids for some time. He discontinued the steroids on his own after learning about the potential side effects of steroids and was off them for a few days. The hives were severe since then.

The officer observed that the urticaria was triggered on eating non-vegetarian food and after heavy exertion. The urticaria was relieved after cold fomentation. This was characteristic in his case. Officer would sit before cold blast of the air conditioner and get relief. He would wipe his body with ice cold water to relieve the hives. There was marked discomfort in hot weather and he was comfortable in the winter.

He was stern by nature and would not tolerate indiscipline. A man of grit and determination, he was renowned in the Army for his courage and bravery.

Officer consulted Dr Shah. His case was studied and evaluated in detail. Dr Shah prescribed Apis 30 C alongwith our research remedies for urticaria to be taken twice a day for a few weeks.

In the initial few weeks of treatment, the hives were severe. They were all over his body with severe itching. The Officer was distressed with the condition. Dr Shah explained that it was the withdrawal effect of cortisone (steroids) which worsens the urticaria. Officer was suggested he would have to bear with the hives for some time and was assured this would subside.

Within few weeks the Officer reported substantial improvement in the urticaria. The itching reduced considerably. The hives subsided and were less frequent.

Dr Shah revised the medicines and they were continued further.

In 4 months of treatment, the urticaria was further better. The intensity was less. The Officer would not have to take antihistaminic tablets, anymore.

With 8 months of treatment the Officer reported total disappearance of his urticaria.

This was unbelievable for him. The Officer smiled at Dr Shah and then revealed that a physician whom he had consulted earlier had put him on steroids without his knowledge. This had angered him and when he discovered that those were steroids he had stopped them immediately.

The Officer was overwhelmed with gratitude. He was happy for the amazing difference homeopathy had made in his life.

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