70% Relief In Chronic GERD Found In 4 Months With Homeopathy At Life Force

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. When the stomach acid happens to flow back into the esophageal tube often, the reverse flow can irritate the inner lining of the esophageal tube. This may occur be due to today's stressful and modernized life.

Generally, most people experience mild gastric discomforts with the varying lifestyle and over usage of the drugs (non-prescription drugs). Mild attacks of GERD may occur once in a while, and moderate attacks happen to occur 2-3 times a week.


Case study

A 45-year-old male patient (PIN: 34635) had approached Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of Anxiety & Prostatitis, for which he was fully recovered. This time, he was suffering from GERD so he started treatment for it in May 2021. He was experiencing symptoms such as heartburn on taking spicy food, retrosternal burning and discomfort, food regurgitation particularly after consuming oily food, irritation in the throat along with a dry cough, bloating in the abdomen, sensation of a lump in the throat, nausea, and vomiting during severe episodes.         

The frequency of GERD episodes was daily, and the symptoms would get aggravated after the intake of spicy food, milk, and tea and due to stress.

His history of ailments was also asked in detail; he had been operated on for umbilical hernia in 1983 and hemorrhoidectomy in 2006. The patient was also suffering from prostatitis and anxiety, for which he had taken the treatment at Life Force Homeopathy and had recovered from the conditions.

When a detailed family history was asked, it was found that the patient’s father had coronary heart disease. His mother was hypertensive, and she was undergoing dialysis currently.

His treatment history was also asked and updated for future reference.

A detailed case history was taken, including both his mental & physical generals. The patient was a calm, composed, caring, and happy person. He had fear and anxiety related to medical conditions and would experience mood swings. The patient was expressive. His intellectual sphere was also considered. His memory, perception, and intelligence were good.

He was a vegetarian and had an average appetite. He had craving for salads and carrots and an aversion to sweet and sour foods. When asked about his thermals, he told us that he cannot tolerate the cold temperature. The had experienced constipation, post the surgery of umbilical hernia, and passed hard stools occasionally. Burning micturition was present. He would enjoy sound sleep but would experience the dreams of uncleared exams.

Dr. Shah had gone through the whole case, and, after analyzing the case in detail, he prescribed the research-based medicines and explained diet and lifestyle management in detail to the patient.

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When the patient gave his first follow-up on 5th July 2021, he was 30% better than earlier. The frequency and the severity of his GERD episode had reduced by 30%. His relief from the retrosternal burning, nausea, vomiting, and constipation was better. He was experiencing a 30% improvement in his relief in GERD.

Later, when he gave the second follow-up on 21st August 2021, he was 70% improved in his relief in GERD symptoms. His heartburn had reduced. In the last month, he did not suffer from any episodes of GERD. His relief in regurgitation of food was 70% better. He no more was experiencing vomiting or nausea. The patient was passing stools regularly and was not on any supportive treatment.



Homeopathic treatment is individualized as the homeopath believes in individualization. Most people can manage GERD by changing their lifestyle and diet management. But, in severe cases, the patient may need treatment that can help the affected person recover with no side effects.

The totality of symptoms produced by the patient helps in determining the homeopathic remedy. This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating GERD in people of all age groups. It also improves the immunity of the person without any after-effects on taking the treatment.


  • Written by Dr. Anjali S., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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