A Teen Girl Got Relieved Of Frequent Cold And Cough With Homeopathy At Life Force

The common cold is a viral infection that affects the throat and nose i.e. your upper respiratory tract adversely.


Symptoms of the Common Cold:

The following are the symptoms of the common cold.

  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • A loss of smell or taste
  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Chest congestion/discomfort
  • Difficulty in breathing deeply
  • Watery eyes
  • Headache
  • Slight body pain
  • A low-grade fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue or general weakness


Causes of Frequent Colds

Those who have a weak immune system are at a high risk of developing frequent colds.

Other probable reasons for getting frequent colds are:

  • Smoking.
  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Stress.
  • A lack of sleep.
  • Unhealthy diet style.


Complications Resulting Due to Common Cold:

Those with a weakened immune system may develop certain complications such as:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Acute bronchitis.
  • Bronchiolitis.
  • Croup.
  • Otitis media.
  • Strep throat.

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Homeopathy can help you recover from frequent colds and cough gently, effectively, and safely with no side effects. Let’s have a look at a case where homeopathy promoted recovery from frequent colds and cough.

A 17-year-old teenage girl (PIN: 42100) approached Life Force Homeopathy on 22nd December 2019 for taking treatment for her complaint of frequent cold and cough, which she was suffering back since childhood. Her main presenting symptoms were a runny nose, watery eyes, nose blockage, a continuous bout of sneezing, heaviness of the head, and cough. During severe episodes, the patient was experiencing wheezing and difficulty in breathing.

She used to get episodes once every 2 weeks, and each episode would last for 5-6 days. Often, her complaints would turn worse with any seasonal change and due to stress. 

Her history of ailments was asked and updated. She had done adenotonsillectomy when she was 7 years old.

Also, her family history of ailments was asked and updated. Her mother had thyroid complaints and cervical spondylitis, her father had psoriasis, and her brother had OCD. 

Her past and current treatment history were asked and updated. She had to take antibiotics and antihistamines once or twice a month when her complaints would turn worse. 

A detailed case history was taken including both her mental and physical symptoms.

The patient was a non-vegetarian having an average appetite. She had cravings for chicken and spicy foods, and she disliked certain foods such as vermicelli, ketchup, salty food, and sour food items. She had an average thirst and drank 2-2.5 liters of water daily. She was intolerant to the cold climate, and she had less perspiration. Her motion was satisfactory, and she had no urinary symptoms as such. The patient had regular 28 days menstrual cycle; she had a heavy menstrual flow and experienced menstrual cramps every month. She also had moderate mood changes throughout the phase. She enjoyed sound sleep with recurrent dreams of exams and falling from the height.


Also, her psychological aspects were asked.  The patient had a happy childhood with a very supportive family. She was a chirpy person in childhood and had a lot of friends, but, in the past few years, she was turning more reserved and introverted. She was also showing poor performance in academics and was unable to focus on her studies. She had a phobia of insects and failure. She had lots of insecurities, and she found herself not as smart as other girls of the same age group. She lacked confidence and had an inferiority complex because of her short height. She was always occupied with thoughts and agitated. She expressed her anger mostly to her mother. Her anxiety level was also high. Her interest included singing and acting.

Her intellectual sphere was also considered. Her memory, perception, logic, intelligence, and analysis all were average.

After analyzing the entire case history, Dr. Shah prescribed the right medicine to the patient. She was also given a general diet chart and some helpful links and videos related to Life Force Homeopathy’s treatment.



At the first follow-up on 25th February 2020, the patient didn’t find any significant change. However, this time, she didn’t feel the need to take antibiotics though had to take antihistamines.

By 4th April 2020, the patient was feeling slightly better in her relief in the symptoms. Her sneezing, runny nose, weakness, and fever all had reduced. The patient had almost stopped taking antibiotics for one and a half months.

At the follow-up on 13th May 2020, the patient was showing further improvement.

When the patient gave follow-up on 11th July 2020, she was almost 30% to 40% better in her relief in the complaints.

At the follow-up on 13th September 2020, the patient was better by 50%, but she had to take antihistamines in between when she would experience severe episodes. However, the patient had stopped taking antibiotics.

When the patient gave follow-up on 30th November 2020, she was better by 80%. Also, she had stopped taking all allopathic medications which was a very positive sign.

The patient was very happy and grateful for the treatment she received from Dr. Shah at Life Force Homeopathy. Also, she was quite satisfied with the results.



This case illustrates that homeopathy offers an effective solution to problems such as frequent colds and cough. Homeopathy works by improving the immune system of the patient and treats the disease from the root. Homeopathy ensures long-lasting to a permanent solution to the patient safely without any side effects and helps in getting rid of the dependency on conventional medicines.


  • Written by Dr. Poornima P., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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