An 8-Year-Old Child Recovered From Nephrotic Syndrome With Homeopathy At Life Force
An 8-year-old female patient, Ms. L.C. (PIN: 39694) started the homeopathic treatment at Life Force Homeopathy through our online system protocol on 24th March 2019. She was suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome and had the following symptoms:
- Swelling on the face
- Relapse triggered by acute colds
- Recurrent cold/cough
- Swelling under the eyes
- Weight gain
- Frothy urine
- Decrease in frequency of the urine
The parents of the patient said that the first time she suffered from an episode of nephrotic syndrome was in June 2016. Subsequently, she suffered from relapses after every 6 to 7 months. So far, she had suffered from 3 relapses of the condition. Every time the episode was accompanied by a cold and cough. She was also highly dependent on steroids for relief.
The patient liked spicy food and had aversion to sweets. The patient was stubborn and very talkative. She was currently taking steroids i.e. Tab Wysolone - 20mgs.
After analyzing the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based medicines to the patient.
On her first follow-up on 12th March 2012, the parents of the patient reported that there was no relapse of any episode of Nephrotic Syndrome. Her urine output was good. There was neither blood nor protein in her urine. Also, the swelling on her body had vanished. The patient's dose of steroids was subsequently reduced in 2 weeks.
On 29th April 2019, the patient’s steroid doses were reduced gradually.
In December 2019, the patient stopped taking steroids.
In subsequent follow-ups, her condition was improved. She no more suffered from any episodes of Nephrotic Syndrome. Also, her appetite increased.
The patient is very happy with the treatment she received at Life Force. She continued the homeopathic treatment for her complete recovery.
This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating nephrotic syndrome in children successfully and safely without any adverse effects.
- Written by Dr. Shifa, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah