A 64-Year-Old Lady Recovered From Lichen Planus At Life Force Homeopathy

A 64-Year-Old Lady Recovered From Lichen Planus At Life Force Homeopathy
A 64-year-old lady, Mrs. M.C.H. (PIN: 16743), who was suffering from Lichen Planus, came to Life Force for her treatment on 20th August 2011. She had lesions on the legs below the knees. Her lichen planus lesions were spreading over the left wrist since the last week. She was suffering from severe itching on her legs for a month. Besides these, she was experiencing swelling and burning sensation after the itching. Her lesions used to bleed after scratching. Her skin was turning dry. She had tried Ayurvedic as well as allopathic treatment for a long, but there was no relief. She had lost the hope of recovery.
She had other associated diseases, namely Cervical Spondylitis and Diabetes Mellitus.   
The patient was a non-vegetarian and was having an average appetite and average thirst. Her bowels were satisfactory. She used to enjoy a good sleep. As per the physical constitution, the patient was flabby and had a fair complexion.
In her family, her father was Diabetic and Hypertensive, and her mother was also Hypertensive.
The patient was mild and expressive. The lady was loquacious. She desired the company always. She felt lonely after her husband expired. She was very responsible. Because of the circumstances, she became apprehensive.
Dr. Rajesh Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed his research-based homeopathic medicines to the patient. Gradually, the patient shown improvement which we can be seen through the below mentioned follow-ups.
When she gave the first follow-up in October 2011, her relief in the lesions was a little better. Also, the itching had reduced, although some new spots had appeared over the groins.
In December 2012, her relief in lichen planus was 50% better but the lesions were appearing on and off during the year. The swelling on the legs was reduced to 50%, and her relief in the itching was also much better.
In October 2013, her condition became stable. No new spots had appeared. But, the patient was having aggravation in the older lesions from a week.
In October 2014, her relief in lichen planus was better by 60% to 70%. Her relief in the itching was much better. No new lesions appeared nor any spread of the disease occurred. The itching and dryness had reduced a lot up to 70%.
In October 2015, her condition was stable. Still, the patient was better, and there was no spread of the disease. The patient maintained the status of improvement as it was in the previous one.
In October 2016, the condition was again as it is. There was no further improvement still the disease was stable.
In January 2017, there was a very good improvement of 75% in her recovery from the lesions. The swelling and itching had reduced to a great extent.
In the further follow-ups in 2018 and 2019, there was a further improvement and the condition of the patient was quite stable.
In January 2020, her recovery from lichen planus was better by 75% to 80%. Her relief in itching and swelling was much better, and there was no bleeding from the lesions. Hyperpigmentation had reduced to 50%.
In April 2020, the recovery from the disease was better by 80% to 85%. She was relieved of all her symptoms. Itching and swelling vanished. Also, there was no bleeding on the skin. Hyperpigmentation was also reduced remarkably.

This case highlights that homeopathy is very effective in treating Lichen Planus incredibly and safely without any side-effects. It promotes the well-being of the patient by reducing all the discomforting symptoms.
-Written by Dr. Garima Pancholi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD) Hom. 

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