A 9-Year-Old Recovered From Nocturnal Enuresis Completely With Homeopathy

A 9-year-old male patient, Mr. U.B. (PIN: 41081) visited Life Force Homeopathy Clinic along with his parents on 3rd September 2019 to treat his complaints of Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting).

The patient was suffering from complaints of bedwetting for 2 years. His frequency of bedwetting was every alternate day. His sleep was very deep and urination was involuntary. He was embarrassed to go for urination in front of others, and he was not going for urination when in the school. He used to cry after waking up after bedwetting. He was scared of his teacher. He had fear of darkness, snakes, and dogs.

He was vegetarian and liked eating salty foods. He disliked sour foods.

The patient was very sensitive to everything. In general, he was a fearful, timid, and shy kid.

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On 14th October 2019, the patient's mother said there is a 10% improvement in the patient’s relief in the complaints. After starting with the treatment, he was experiencing bedwetting every 3rd night.

On 27th December 2019, the patient’s mother mentioned that the patient had experienced a 30% to 40% improvement in relief in the complaints. He had not experienced bedwetting since the last month. He no more was crying. Also, his fear had reduced.

On 8th February 2020, the patient’s mother said there is a 60% improvement in the patient’s relief in the complaints. He no more was experiencing bedwetting. His fear was further reduced. He no more was crying at night.

On 29th April 2020, the patient’s mother said that the patient was no more suffering from bedwetting since November 2019 nor was he crying now. His confidence has increased. His social interaction increased. His fear also got reduced a lot.

The patient and his parents are very happy with the treatment which he received at Life Force and wanted to continue treatment as his appetite was low.


This case illustrates that Homeopathy offers great results in treating cases of Nocturnal Enuresis. Homeopathy works wonders at the psychological level, and it reduces fears, anger, and guilt and increases confidence.

  • Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah.



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