An Early Diagnosed Case Of Nephrotic Syndrome Experienced Complete Recovery With Homeopathy & Without Steroids
Mrs. V.S. from the USA (LFMPL PIN: 25987) started noticing edema on her feet in July 2018, and, thereafter, she started experiencing decreased appetite, low energy levels, and varying degrees of depression. As symptoms started to get worse, she consulted the Physician who didn't confirm the diagnosis but mentioned Nephrotic syndrome and advised to go ahead with a Renal biopsy. But, the patient declined renal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, as she was aware of the fact that, no matter what the result is, all treatments would be immunosuppressive drugs that she was not going to take. Her urine was dark yellow color and had a strong odor. She complained of frothy urine. Edema had increased in her abdomen, hips, and thighs. Her normal weight was 140 lbs which further increased to 165 lbs. She was experiencing shortness of breath decreased range of motion in the lower extremities and the tightness of skin due to edema. She opted for online treatment on 23rd October 2018.
She had a period of a few weeks of elevated BP, as her doctor had recommended an increase in Armour Thyroid medicines from 60 mcg to 120 mcg. But, after reducing the dose of Thyroid supplement, her BP has been in range.
According to the patient, the probable cause for her complaint might be stress. Towards the end of July, possibly due to buying a home, selling an old home, and moving, a lot of physical exertion along with mental stress might have triggered the condition.
Based on her case details, Natrum Muriaticum-30 was prescribed for 4 months to the patient.
After 4 months of following homeopathic medicines on 9th February 2019, the patient was informed that she has improved by 85%. Her symptoms of edema on the abdomen, hips, and thighs had reduced. The relief in the complaints of urine, which she had that is dark yellow urine with a strong odor, was completely better. Her appetite had improved. Also, persistently, her urine report had shown protein as NIL. The symptoms of tightness of the skin in the feet and restricted range of motion in the lower extremities were as it is, though there was no visible sign of edema. She complained of bubbles/froth on the surface of the water in the toilet after urination. She continued with our medicines without opting for steroids. Dr. Shah upgraded her prescription to Natrum muriaticum 200 C
With the next 4 months of following homeopathic medicines regularly, she reported on 10th June 2019 with complete remission. She had been regularly checking her urine proteins, which were consistently showing a negative result.
In 8 months of her regular homeopathic treatment, she did not experience a single episode of protein loss. This was achieved when the patient was not on any steroids. The patient continues to do well and the condition has been stable. Since she had been experiencing the symptom of bubbles in urine, she was advised to continue the medicines for another few months.
She is very happy with the outcome of the homeopathic treatment and expressed her gratitude to Dr. Shah and the entire Life Force team.
When one is diagnosed with dreadful medical conditions like Nephrotic syndrome, the first step is naturally to start with conventional (Steroid) treatment. The above case highlights that opting for Homeopathic medicines in time, as soon as possible in the early stage, has helped the patient to experience a complete recovery from nephrotic syndrome without taking any steroids.
(Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom))