A Financial Advisor Got Immense Relief From His Chronic Atopic Dermatitis With Homeopathy

A 38-year-old financial advisor, Mr. S.S. (PIN: 21703) consulted at Life Force on 23rd September 2013 for his complaints of atopic dermatitis. He had eruptions on his hands, back, chest, and scalp from the last two years. The itching was very severe. And, he used to scratch the eruptions till it bleeds. He had done the allergic test, and, as per the report, he was allergic to many things, mainly, to the dust. Most often, his atopic dermatitis used to get triggered in the summer weather and at night. He had taken conventional medicine in the past, but, at the time of consultation, he was not taking any medicine for four months.


Besides it, he was also suffering from Grade 1 piles and the male pattern baldness.


The patient was non-vegetarian by diet. He liked eating salty food and didn’t like to eat sweet and very spicy food. His thirst was average. His stool was dissatisfactory and, mostly, his stool used to be loose. Thermally, he was hot, it means that his complaints mostly used to get triggered in the summer weather. His sleep was sound, and no specific dreams were experienced by him.


By profession, he was a financial advisor in a private company, and his wife was a homemaker.


By nature, he was irritable and short-tempered. Mostly, he suppressed his anger, and his anger would be sustained for a long duration. His anxiety concerned with getting settled in life was very high, and he used to think continuously. He was reserved and timid and didn’t share his emotions easily.


In his family, his father had throat cancer, and his mother was suffering from hypertension. No specific disease had affected him in the past.


His case was reviewed in detail by Dr. Shah and he prescribed his researched-based molecule to the patient.

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After 5 weeks of following the homeopathic treatment, when he gave his first feedback on 30th October 2013, he reported a slight improvement in his relief from atopic dermatitis. His itching had reduced by 25%.


After experiencing a slight improvement, he reported a slight aggravation in his condition on 12th February 2014. No new eruptions had appeared, but the itching had aggravated in the last 15-20 days without any reason. His relief from the piles and hair fall was better, and both these conditions were under control. After reviewing his feedback, Dr. Shah did the required changes in his medicine.


On 14th July 2014, he reported a 25% improvement in his relief from the condition. His eruptions and itching both had reduced. His other complaints were as it is.


After 4 months of following the homeopathic medicine, he gave his feedback on 14th November 2014. His itching and eruptions on the back and shoulder had 50% reduced, and his recovery from the other eruptions on the body was 30% improved. He was advised to apply a natural moisturizer like coconut oil and Vaseline petroleum jelly.


After following our regular treatment for 8 months, when he gave a follow-up in August 2015, his relief from the complaints of dermatitis and piles had improved a lot. He didn’t experience any complaints now. His recovery from the symptoms was showing a remarkable improvement. His relief from atopic dermatitis had improved by more than 75%.


On 5th December 2015, his condition was stable and in a good state. He didn’t experience any complaint of both the diseases (i.e. piles and atopic dermatitis).


After experiencing a good improvement in 2015, he reported continuous aggravation in his condition from March 2016 to October 2016. Possibly, his complaint was triggered due to his severe anxiety, stress, and summer weather. Due to some personal reasons, he was quite tensed in 2016. So, all the symptoms of atopic dermatitis were aggravated. Dr. Shah did the required changes in his medicine. In November 2016, he reported a 35% improvement in his relief from all the symptoms.


In 2017, his health was showing a slow and steady improvement till March But, again in April, a slight aggravation in his eruptions and itching was observed due to the summer weather. After the summer weather, his condition again showed improvement in relief from all the symptoms.

In 2017, the patient took a gap in following the medicine for some time and his condition was under control. But, due to a slight aggravation in his symptoms, he again restarted his treatment. In 2017 and 2018, his skin condition experienced some ups and downs due to the weather change and his anxiety.

In December 2018, his condition was stable and his health was 40% improved.


After 5 months of further treatment, his health was good. Recovery from all the eruptions, except those on the side of his hands and back, was 80% improved. His hands and back spots were also stable. Itching, redness, and dryness all had reduced a lot. He was regular with the use of moisturizers and medicine. His piles and hair fall had improved a lot.


Still, he was continuing our medicine for further recovery.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating chronic atopic dermatitis incredibly and safely without any side-effects.

  • Written by Dr. Priyanka Agarwal, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD. Hom.)
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