“A Six-years-old boy got excellent result in Nephrotic syndrome at Life Force Homeopathy.”

A Six-years-old boy, S.K. (PIN- 31418) was brought to the clinic on 25th February 2019 for the treatment of Nephrotic syndrome. He was diagnosed with Nephrotic syndrome 6 weeks prior to our consultation. He developed swelling all over the body, mainly over the eyes. The albumin in the urine was 3+. He had started the steroid treatment for 6 weeks. Due to steroid. He gained 2 Kg weight, mood swing tendency was seen. As well as he had excessive hair on his hands, back & face. Apart from this, he didn’t have any other complaint.

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His appetite was average. He was vegetarian by diet and he had craving for sweets foods. His bowel movement was normal and his sleep was also sound. But his perspiration was profuse, mainly on his forehead. His development was on time.

He was a stubborn boy who wanted his mother’s company most of the time. He easily violent on small things and would get very angry on trivial matters. He was lethargy and restless. Before the illness, he was very Friendly and interactive.

In the family, his grandfather from the paternal side had hypertension. His uncle had nephrotic syndrome. Apart from this, there was no other specific disease in his family. There was no specific past history. 

After studying his detailed case history, he was prescribed researched based molecule by Dr Shah. 

The patient gave his first follow up on 10th April 2017. His mother informed that there was an improvement in his condition. His orbital swelling was reduced. His weight was reduced by 1 kg. He was on a reduced dosage of steroids i.e. on alternate days. His physical activity increased but his mood swing tendency and the stubborn tendency was still there. 

On 7th August 2017, the patient visited the centre. His condition had improved a lot. He increased appetite and weight were reduced. 

On his 4th March 2018 follow-up, his condition was improving continuously. All his symptoms had recovered totally. His steroid dose was totally stopped, he was not taking any steroid after July 2017. Only his excessive hair growth and stubborn tendency were the same. 

Patient’s mother visited the centre on 27th October 2018 for further follow-up. His condition was good. In the last four months, he faced 2 times mild cough, cold episodes but the protein was traced only in July, later protein leakage was nil. 

A few months later, his mother reported his condition on 21st January 2019. There was an improvement in his overall health after commencing homoeopathic treatment. He had not faced any episode of nephrotic syndrome since 6-7 months. But due to his stubborn nature and hyperactivity, he has started a new treatment for ADHD from Life Force centre. 

On 17th June 2019, he visited our centre & his mother reported good improvement in his condition. His both mental and physical conditions had improved a lot. He has not faced any episode of Nephrotic syndrome after July 2018. His mother was very happy with the result. 

He is still continuing the medicine for further results.

This case shows even in complicated disease, such as nephrotic syndrome, early diagnosis & right medication can give drastic & fast results.

Written by Dr Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah.

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