A Complete Recovery From Hidradenitis Suppurativa Found In A Short Time With Homoeopathy
A middle-aged man, who was working as an IT engineer in a reputed company, (PIN: 37003) visited Life Force on 31st May 2018 with the complaints of hidradenitis suppurativa, which he was suffering from the last 4-5 months. He mentioned that the boils were erupting in his left axillae frequently. His boils were painful, reddish, and filled with pus. He consulted a dermatologist, and he advised the patient to go for a surgery. He visited Life Force to try homeopathic treatment before surgery. On referring to his blood reports, all his parameters were found normal.
He was also suffering from an under-active thyroid for the past 5 years, and it was under control by the conventional treatment.
He was a non-vegetarian. He had an excess of hunger. He used to carve for spicy food and non-vegetarian food. Also, he had a habit of drinking alcohol and smoking. He was sensitive to the heat. He had no complaint with regards to the bowel and urine.
His father was suffering from diabetes, and his mother had hypertension.
He had suffered from urticaria problem many years back.
He lived in a nuclear family. He was married from the past four years. He was IT engineer by profession. His wife was also working.
By nature, he was very expressive. He was confident. There was no stress in his life. He had the fear of darkness.
Dr. Shah reviewed his case in detail and educated the patient regarding the rare autoimmune disease which was affecting the patient often. He was prescribed medicines for six weeks and was advised to follow hygiene measures.
When the patient visited for his follow-up on 7th July 2018, there was 100% improvement in his health. He had experienced a noteworthy recovery from the previous boil and had no relapse in the last two months.
During his recent follow-up, which was noted on call on 28th November 2018, revealed that there was no occurrence of boils after May 2018.

This case highlights that homeopathy is strongly recommended as the first-line of treatment for hidradenitis suppurative and also in the cases where many strong antibiotics have failed to provide relief. Homeopathy treats hidradenitis suppurative effectively and safely without any side-effects.
Written by Dr. Ishwari, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah