Frequent tonsillitis, colds and coughs for 8 years improved in eight months treatment.

A 10 year old girl, (L-9519), suffering from recurrent tonsillitis, cold, cough and throat pain every month since 8 years. Each episode lasts for 6-7 days.

Her complaints increased with sour foods, pickles, cold food and drinks. In severe episodes she had fever and difficulty in breathing (dyspnea). She had to take conventional medicines every month for it. The last episode occurred a week ago and she took antibiotics.

The child had a normal appetite; she is a non-vegetarian with craving for spicy foods, sweets and chocolates.

Her thirst and perspiration were normal. Her stools were unsatisfactory and sleep was good. She preferred cold climate. Physically, she had a normal build.

She was extrovert by nature. Mother informed that she was good in sports and liked dancing, music, and reading story books.

There was no past history of any major illness. In her family, both parents suffered from recurrent sinusitis. Her paternal grandparents had hypertension. Maternal grandfather also, had hypertension and diabetes.

On examination, there was bilateral enlargement of both tonsils.

After first two months’ of homeopathic medicines, her condition improved remarkably. Thereafter, she had just one episode of cold and cough in 6 months, which lasted for a week, following intake of cold drinks. Her treatment was continued for over 10 months. She was almost free from attacks of Tonsillitis and frequent throat infections.

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