A 5-Years-Old Baby Got A Great Relief From Hirschsprung Disease With Homeopathy

Mrs. S.M. visited Life Force on 8th September 2015 for the treatment of her 5-years-old daughter named Baby S.M. (PIN: 26940). The baby was suffering from constipation since she was 40 days old. Her barium enema findings were suggestive of short-segment Hirschsprung’s Disease (which is a birth defect in which nerves are missing from parts of the intestine.) Since then, she was suffering from constipation on & off, and it was well-controlled by laxatives. But, since the last one year, the frequency of her constipation had increased. She would experience constipation every two days. Her stools were semi-solid and dark in color, and they had the presence of mucus. She had even suffered from anal fissure attributed to constipation at the mere age of three months. She was on laxatives, for the last five years, & a stool softener which gave her partial relief.

She did not suffer from any other major illness.

She was a vegetarian & used to have a high fiber diet & milk. She liked sweet & salty food & loved chocolates. She did not like fruits. She was more sensitive to the hot weather. Her sleep, urination, & perspiration were normal.

She was studying in the nursery. Her father was working as a manager in an MNC, & her mother was a Child Psychologist working as a consultant.

The baby was happy-go-lucky and a very expressive child. She would get angry easily & was stubborn.

With all these details, her case was analyzed by Dr. Shah & she was prescribed Bryonia 30c along with one of his research-based molecules for six weeks. The necessary dietary changes were advised to her.

On 14th November 2015, she visited the clinic for her first follow-up along with her mother. Mother narrated that she was 50% better than earlier. The stool softener was stopped and a milder laxative was started. She used to pass motions regularly every day on her own. Only once she had constipated & did not pass the motion for three days, so her mother had to give her stool softener & then she was better. Dr. Shah upgraded the medicines to enhance the ongoing treatment.

In the subsequent follow-ups, she was much better. Her relief from constipation was better than earlier & the mucous in her stools had reduced a lot. She was still taking the stool softener one teaspoon daily.

The patient’s mother called up on 6th April 2016 informing that, on weekends, she gets constipated as she wakes up late and the schedule gets disturbed, and she wanted to know if any SOS is required. The mother was informed that this has more to do with toilet training. The baby S.M. needs to wake up and follow the schedule even on weekends till she forms a habit.

On 2nd September 2016, the mother of the patient gave the feedback over the phone. The patient was doing much better, except that she was still affected by the change in weather when the stool softener was being used as SOS. Her medicines were upgraded to enhance the further treatment.

When the patient visited the clinic again on 23rd March 2017, she was doing better. The frequency of her constipation had reduced further. There was no pain while passing the stools, and mucous was absent in her stools. She was advised to increase her water intake and apply oil around the anus in case of constipation.

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By 27th June 2017, she was much better than earlier. She no more had to take the stool softener or any laxatives. There was no constipation. She no more had to strain, and she would readily go to pass the stools before her mother would have to push her.

On 11th Jan 2018, her complaints were 80% better. Her constipation problem was almost cured, and she no more suffered any pain or bleeding. Her stool softener & laxatives were completely discontinued.

Her mother was very much thankful to Dr. Shah and Life Force team, as, because of them, her daughter could lead a normal life and did not have to go through the complications of Hirschsprung’s disease, such as enterocolitis or intestinal perforation, nor had to undergo any surgical procedure. The mother of the patient feels blessed as her daughter got relieved of her disease with homeopathy. She was advised to continue with the diet and exercises.

This case highlights that homeopathy can work wonders and show an immense improvement without the need for any surgery, unlike the conventional medicines. So, homeopathy should be chosen as the first line of treatment as the mother did in this case and not as the last resort.

-Written by Dr. Chetali, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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