Long-Standing H. Pylori Infection Treated Effectively at Life Force Homeopathy

A 47-years-old patient, Mr. B. M. (PIN 30386), who was residing in Gujarat, presented with the complaints of severe burning in the retrosternal & epigastric region, food regurgitation, sensation as if something is stuck behind the sternum, nausea, sour water brash, & eructations. He also suffered from gaseous distention of abdomen after taking juices at night and occasional pain & heaviness in his chest due to the accumulation of gases. He used to suffer from this complaint every alternate day from the last five to six years. According to the patient, the complaint had started 5-6 years back after taking antibiotics for consecutive 20-25 days for the upper respiratory tract infection His complaints and discomfort used to be more frequent after meals, after eating spicy food, after disturbed sleep, and continued till late night disturbing his sleep. He was diagnosed with H. pylori infection. 

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He also complained anxiety with symptoms, such as sluggishness of mind, no interest in talking or watching T.V, irritability, low energy levels, lack of interest in doing things, lack of stamina, and an increase in sleep, particularly during the periods of anxiety. As the day passes, his anxiety level used to increase. In the morning he used to feel better, thereafter in the evening his anxiety level used to increase.

He used to get attacks 2-3 times a month from the past six months. It was diagnosed that he was having anxiety. His case was taken in detail to understand all his problems in depth. He had craving for spicy & sour food. He had no specific aversion to any food. Thermally, the patient was ambithermal.

Routine blood tests and blood tests for H pylori were done recently. Endoscopy that was done 2 years back was normal.

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed Lycopodium along with some researched based molecules for six weeks.

On 6th Jan 2017, the patient gave his feedback over the phone and said that symptomatically there is no relief at all. Retrosternal burning, sour eructations, & water brash complaints were still present with the same intensity. Epigastric burning & gaseous distention were also present. He was taking Tab Razo 10 on every alternate day.

On 4th Feb 2017, the patient gave feedback over the phone and said that he was feeling better with medicines. Symptomatically, he was feeling much better as compared to earlier. Now, he was taking Tab Razo 10 after every 4-5 days. A new complaint of anxiety had started in the last 6 months. A new challenge used to make him mentally exhausted along with sluggishness of mind, no interest in talking or watching tv, irritability, increased sleep, low energy levels, and lack of interest to do anything. As the day passes, his anxiety level used to increase. In the morning, he used to feel better, thereafter in the evening his anxiety used to increase. He had a low sexual desire and normal erection. He started the treatment for anxiety in Life Force on 4th Feb 2017.

On 28th April 2017, the patient visited personally and he was very happy with the given treatment. He said that now his complaints were completely better, and the only concern was flatulence which was better but not completely relieved. He had stopped taking tab Razo completely. His anxiety related complaints were also better with the treatment. His sluggishness of mind, lack of interest to do anything, and lack of energy also improved with the medicines. He has also started the treatment for a male pattern of baldness with Life Force Homeopathy on 28 April 2017.

- Written by Dr. Dhanashree, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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