70-Years-Old Man Recovered From Prostate Enlargement & Trigger Finger Remarkably At Life Force

A 70-years-old patient (PIN 30208) visited Life Force on 23rd August 2017 for his follow-up for prostate enlargement and he mentioned a new complaint of trigger finger. The patient was already undergoing treatment for his prostate enlargement since 4th November 2016. This time, the patient complained that he was unable to bend his middle finger and it seemed as if it was locked since two months. He had to forcibly open the finger, which was painful. There was no cause found on inquiry.   

As far as the prostate enlargement was concerned, he had responded to the medicines very well within the six months of treatment. The frequency of his urination had reduced. The urinary flow had now improved, and he could pass urine without straining. There was a complete relief in the urgency in passing urine, and he had now achieved a better control over his bladder. The burning during urination still persisted but was much manageable than before.

USG Pelvis (24.9.2016) revealed moderate BEP. Pre void volume: 225 cc, Post void: 68 cc, Prostrate enlargement: 60 cc.

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USG Pelvis (2.12.16) revealed moderate BEP with pre-void volume 250, post void volume: 30 cc which was minimum post-void residual urine. This was a significant recovery in just a month after starting the treatment.

The most significant improvement experienced by the patient after the treatment was reduction in the PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels. The PSA reduced from PSA: 5.13 22.9.2016 to PSA: 3.65 on 24.2.2017. All the investigations (USG and PSA) were done from the same diagnostic center to avoid any variations. 

The patient acknowledged the efforts taken by the team and was very happy with the improvement and the marvels of homoeopathy.

Physical Generals:

He enjoyed a good appetite and had a craving for sweets like chocolates. He was sensitive to the extremes of temperature and weather.

Family History:

There had a strong family history of hypertension. His father, mother, and brother were hypertensive.

Past History:

There was no major illness other than herpes and typhoid in the past.

Self And Family Set-Up:

He was a mechanical engineer by profession. His family comprised of his wife, who was a homemaker, and his mother, who was 90-years-old. He enjoyed good interpersonal relationships with everyone in the family and social circle. 

By nature, he was a happy and cheerful man and was very much attached to his wife. He also had some anticipatory anxiety, particularly while attending any event.


The case was reviewed by Dr. Shah and he prescribed medicines for trigger finger and prostate enlargement to the patient.    


The patient visited the clinic for a follow-up on 4th October 2017. His finger pain was reduced and he could now open the fist with an ease. He did not need any external force to open the finger and could now bend his finger easily. As far as the enlargement of prostate was concerned, the patient was concerned about the burning sensation while passing the urine as it disturbed him the most. He was free from other symptoms, such as increased frequency, urgency, and pain. The patient was surprised to see the results after comparing the sonography reports of 24th September 2016 and 2nd December 2016. The post void urine reduced from 68 cc to 30 cc. Dr. Shah advised the patient to hydrate adequately and be active. He was also suggested a few abdominal exercises, specifically for prostate enlargement, which would support the recovery.

The second follow-up of the patient was a remarkable one. The patient visited us on 16th November 2017 and he mentioned that he was 90% free from symptoms of trigger finger. His hand and finger movements were now easy, and there was no stiffness and locking in the finger anymore. Further medicines were prescribed to him for both the conditions, according to the feedback given by the patient.       

Later, on 28th December 2017, the patient visited for his follow-up. The burning in urine still persisted though the intensity was less. The relief from the complaints of trigger finger was now better and he could now do all the movements of the hand and fingers easily. 


Every case is a challenge for a homeopath. Every disease condition has its scope and limitation. Conditions like prostate enlargement and trigger finger in a 70-years-old individual also had its limitations. The patient was well-aware about the same and did not expect a miracle to happen at this point of time. But, well-selected homeopathic medicines help in increasing the horizon of the scope of homeopathy as it did in this case. It can be concluded that homeopathy is strongly recommended in cases like prostate enlargement and trigger finger at any given age. Early detection and prompt treatment would further increase the chances of recovery.  

- Written by Dr. Kanchan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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