Mrs. Verma, U. K, was cured of migraine, the best days in her life being the ones when she was on treatment

My migraine did not allow me to do my daily chores. I was introduced to Dr Shah through a friend. I started with homeopathy. My migraine is 99% gone! I do now know how to thank Dr Shah and homeopathy.

Mrs. Verma, 42 years old housewife cum part time office executive, approached us for the treatment of Migraine since about four years. It coincided with irregular menses and hence the doctors related it with hormonal cycles. Her pains were almost every second day, lasting a full day, if no pain killers taken. If she takes pain killers, she would feel drowsy, irritable and could not work. She opted for pain killers only if pain was intolerable.

Her pains come more in the noon, worse by stress, worse before the menses, worse empty stomach, worse with a fight with her husband. She wound not stand sun light, sweets, loud noise, children shouting, etc.

Her emotional life suggested some long term grievances with her (second) husband, and bitterness in the first relation.

Based on the entire case history, a suitable homeopathic remedy was selected, (name not stated here to discourage self-medication by readers); which was prescribed and her ase was followed up every six months.

At the end of the first six weeks, she was more than 50% better. “These were the best days in last five years,” she admitted. Further three months of treatment made her almost free from all pain killers. She was more cheerful and happier. Her pains were almost gone by the end of ten months of treatment.

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A 33-years-old female (PIN: 13329) reported to the clinic with severe hair fall since six weeks. She was losing more than 300 strands of hair per day. There was thinning of hair along with the development of female pattern baldness. Her hair line was also receding.

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