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Case Studies

A 35 years aged lady Mrs. P.C. (Patient Identification Number 12980) reported to the center on 30 November 2009. She was suffering from Hailey Hailey disease, a rare genetic condition. She has lesions on the neck, groin, folds of her elbows and chest. She had intolerable itching since last five y.....Read more

Mr. S. G aged 32 years (Patient Identification Number 13005) visited Life Force for the treatment of Cervical Spondylitis.

He was suffering from Cervical Spondylitis since 3 months. He would get pain which was radiating from shoulder to both the arms. He would feel numbness and tingling.....Read more

A 34-years-old male, Mr. V.U.B. (PIN: 30328) visited Life Force on 16th November 2016 with a complaint of urticaria. 

The patient was suffering from urticaria for two years. The frequency of his episode was once in three days. 

At the time of consultation, his legs, .....Read more

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Dr. Rajesh Shah's research on HIV | Life Force Homeopathy

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

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