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Case Studies

Mr. P. C. (Patient ref. no. L-8342), a 49 yrs old male patient, reported to the clinic with the complaint of Cervical Spondylitis. He had been suffering from pulling type of pain in the nape of the neck, since 1 ½ years. The pain radiated to the shoulder and left side of the chest. The pai.....Read more

Mrs. V.S. from the USA (LFMPL PIN: 25987) started noticing edema on her feet in July 2018, and, thereafter, she started experiencing decreased appetite, low energy levels, and varying degrees of depression. As symptoms started to get worse, she consulted the Physician who didn't confirm the d.....Read more

A 4-year-old girl, A.P.S. (PIN: 36611) visited our Life Force clinic for the treatment of her complaint of Nephrotic syndrome on 26th April 2018. She was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome in September 2017, and she was on conventional treatment along with steroids.

The parents of t.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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