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Case Studies

Mr. S.P.V (PIN: 18536) was suffering from Cervical Spondylitis (CS) for 2 years. He would experience continuous pain in the neck radiating to the left shoulder and the left side of his chest. There was a marked stiffness present in his neck area. He would experience difficulty in moving his neck .....Read more

The parents of Baby. N.R (Patient Ref. No. 4520) a 3 years old female child reported to us for the treatment of their daughter who had Nephrotic syndrome since the age of 2 years. Her complaints began after she had been sick for some time and her parents noticed that she had developed some swelli.....Read more

A 57 years old man Mr. XYZ (initials changed), (Patient identification number - 9871) visited our clinic on 17th August 2007. He was suffering from genital Herpes since 2 years. He complained of small red boils on his genitals with severe itching. He complained of burning sensation while passing uri.....Read more
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Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.

Curious about the role of homeopathy in vitiligo treatment?

How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

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