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Case Studies

A 17-year-old girl, Ms. H.S.J. (PIN: 27578) visited Life Force for her treatment of vitiligo in December 2015. She was suffering vitiligo from the past 10 years of her life. At the time of noting her case history, she also mentioned her complaints of acne and obesity. After going through her case.....Read more

A 55 years old gentleman Mr MBD (PIN 18368), came all the way from Pune, India, traveling 150 km, on 25th February 2012. He got registered as a case of Psoriasis. He was suffering from this chronic disease for 5 months.


The disease started from his right thumb and was s.....Read more

Mrs. M. M. (PIN 9825) walked in the clinic with the complaints of severe backache for over six months. Before starting with the treatment, Dr. Shah got her investigated for a perfect diagnosis. Her blood and scan reports led us to diagnose her case as that of Ankylosing Spondylitis.

She.....Read more

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Surgical conditions which can be helped with homeopathy, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

Anxiety Neurosis

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