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Case Studies

30 year old lady, Mrs. I. C. (Patient Ref. No. 6226), was a known case of Hepatitis C since 2 years. She had not been on any kind of treatment for this. She did not have any major symptoms as such but complained of weakness and tiredness. She had given birth to a baby boy about one year before sh.....Read more

A 28-years-old girl, Ms. A.J.M. (PIN- 29899) consulted at Life Force for her Lichen Planus Pigmentosa complaint on the 27th September 2016. She had developed dark hyperpigmented spots scattered on her forearms, abdomen, back, both thighs, and neck since seven-eight years. 

Initiall.....Read more

Mr. A.N., a 28 years old general manager in a private company, resident of Mumbai, India, reported at Life Force in June 2011. Presenting complaints were stress headache since 3 months. Promotion to the post of general manager, added extra professional stress in his routine and that triggered the.....Read more

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Which Medicines to Avoid in Lichen Planus? Explains Dr Shah

Lichen Planus


Sheikh Zayed International Award to Dr Rajesh Shah

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