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Case Studies

11 years old, extrovert and naughty Master C. D. N. visited our clinic on 24th September, 2011. His patient identification number is 17065. He had Vitiligo since 2.5 years and it was spreading. The affected areas were ankles, palms, feet, thighs, genitals and elbows. The spots were bilaterally sy.....Read more

Mr. V. K. S., 50 years old businessman visited our clinic on 20th March 2012 from Calcutta. His Patient Identification Number is 18624. He complained of recurrent throbbing headache on both temporal regions since a few months. He would take pain killers daily. The pain would subside in 3 – .....Read more

Thirty two years old Mr. S. B. K. (Patient Identification Number-9429) visited our clinic on 10th March 2007. He was suffering from Psoriasis on his scalp and few scattered spots all over his body since past six months. He complained of itching and scaling. Earlier only his scalp was extensively .....Read more

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Child Asthma

Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

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