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Case Studies

An 11-year-old obese child, Mst R.K.M (PIN: 19480) visited the clinic of Life Force on 18th July 2012 with a bad coughing spell. His complaints had started bothering him 8 months back. He was suffering from a continuous episode of cough which continued for 2-3 months, and he was not responding to.....Read more

A 33-years-old male, Mr. T. K. (PIN 24124) reported to Life Force clinic for his complaints of Bronchial Asthma on 14th November 2014. He was suffering from bronchial asthma from the last 20 years. His complaints were persistently increasing from the last 18 years in spite of using anti-allergic .....Read more

Mrs. S.J. (Patient Identification Number 16666) aged 43 years was suffering from Hepatitis C. It was detected to be genotype 3. It was detected around 2 years ago. One evening, she suddenly suffered from shortness of breath, bloating of the abdomen and loss of appetite. She was admitted and durin.....Read more

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Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Child Asthma

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