Case-1: Free from cheilitis in five days!

Seven and half years old boy, Master J , Reference No. 11841, visited Life Force Homeopathy with inflamed chapped lips, diagnosed as cheilitis (due to intake of antibiotics) since four days. He had taken conventional medicine for some skin rash on fingers and chest. He also had complaint of recurrent tonsillitis and nocturnal enuresis every night.
He had an average appetite, liked salty food and had normal bowel movements.

He was short tempered by nature and listened only when spoken sweetly. Within about five days of starting homeopathy medicines his cheilitis cleared. His nocturnal enuresis got completely cured in about eight week's time and tonsillitis also improved by ninety percent.

He continued treatment at Life Force for tonsillitis for complete recovery. This case illustrates that homeopathy treats cheilitis surely and rapidly.

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She was suffering from cold, running nose, sneezing and nose block since over two years.
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A 33 years old male patient Mr. R. S. (Patient Ref. No. L4798), reported with complaints of psoriasis since 3 years. He had eruptions on his knees, elbows, back and on his .....Read more

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