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Case Studies

38 years old Mrs. S. A., (Patient Identification Number - 12394) visited our clinic on 11th July 2009. She was suffering from Underactive Thyroid since 2005. The thyroid had been detected during her second pre.....Read more

Mrs. J. V. R., 41years old female (Patient Ref. No. L8189), reported to the clinic for complaints of eczema on both her palms since 2 years. The eczema had started as dry, itchy eruptions in the palms with oozing of thin fluid. The lesions gradually started spreading to involve larger area of the.....Read more

This is a case of a 28 yr old female (Patient Identification No: L-6274) who reported to the clinic on November 26, 2004 with complaints of itching and burning sensation esp. after scratching all over her body since the past 1 ½ years. This would be so severe at times that she would experience so.....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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